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Heartburn or pyrosis is a painful or burning sensation in the esophagus, just below the breastbone caused by regurgitation of gastric acid. The pain often rises in the chest and may radiate to the neck, throat, or angle of the jaw. Heartburn is also identified as one of the causes of chronic cough, and may even mimic asthma. Despite its name, heartburn actually has nothing to do with the heart. It is so called because of a burning sensation of the breastbone where the heart is located although some heart problems do have a similar sensation to heartburn. Compounding the confusion is the fact that hydrochloric acid from the stomach comes back up the esophagus because of a problem with the cardiac sphincter, a valve which misleadingly contains the word "cardiac" (an adjective referring to the heart) in its name.

Dirty Talk in Email Marketing - Does it Work?  

If you would like to make your email marketing FAR more responsive and profitable, then this article contains a simple tip that will show you how.

Here's the story:

This past weekend I apparently offended someone with one of my daily email tips. In this case a single word bothered her.

The word?


Which was found in the subject line of the offending email ("Why Most Sales Pitches Suck"). It gave her heartburn because she said it's offensive to the gay community. And that it's an ugly, dirty "bash" word that she is surprised hasn't been banned from public use yet.


I have never heard of that and, considering the subject of the email was selling, I'm pretty sure most people will let me off the hook for using it.

Whatever the case, I'm GLAD she said something because it makes for an important email lesson.

In my (humble) opinion, when writing emails, you have an ethical, professional and... yes... MORAL duty to be yourself -- "warts" and all.

I'm talking about showing the real YOU.

The guy or gal who is NOT perfect. Who is not always "politically correct." And who has a view point uniquely YOURS, communicated in the exact same way you would say it were you talking to someone face to face.

Now before anyone gets any funny ideas... I'm NOT saying to go crazy cussing and swearing.

For one thing, the spam filters will zap your emails. And for another, it could have some pretty nasty unintended consequences. (My own standard is never to say something I wouldn't say to my grandma. But that's just my opinion.)

But this isn't just about language, it's also about being genuine.

About showing the REAL you by writing just like you talk -- with YOUR particular colloquialisms, quirks, mannerisms and personality.

And if someone's offended?

Hey, that's their problem.

You're not in business to not offend people, are you?

I hope not. Because if your marketing isn't turning OFF those who aren't your ideal customers, then chances are you're not turning ON those who are.

So if you offend somebody, then too bad for them. They can delete your email or leave your list.

While everyone else will respect you all the more.

Autor: Ben Settle Ben Settle
Level: Platinum
Ben Settle is a direct response copywriter and author of "The Copywriting Grab Bag" and "Crackerjack Selling Secrets". Although Ben almost never accepts clients anymore, ... ...

For more email marketing tips like this, check out http://bensettle.com/blog/9-dumb-dumb-email-mistakes

Added: July 9, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

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