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Heartburn or pyrosis is a painful or burning sensation in the esophagus, just below the breastbone caused by regurgitation of gastric acid. The pain often rises in the chest and may radiate to the neck, throat, or angle of the jaw. Heartburn is also identified as one of the causes of chronic cough, and may even mimic asthma. Despite its name, heartburn actually has nothing to do with the heart. It is so called because of a burning sensation of the breastbone where the heart is located although some heart problems do have a similar sensation to heartburn. Compounding the confusion is the fact that hydrochloric acid from the stomach comes back up the esophagus because of a problem with the cardiac sphincter, a valve which misleadingly contains the word "cardiac" (an adjective referring to the heart) in its name.

The Simple Cures to Heartburn  

I wanted to talk to you about the simple cures to heartburn that you can use to fix this problem. Some of us only experience heartburn now and then, so it really isn't that big of a deal. The problem is when you experience it on a daily basis because stomach acid isn't light. It's acid and it is designed to burn. It is good enough at breaking down a steak, so it should have no problem burning away your esophagus. If you allow it to occur over and over again, it will burn away the esophagus and you won't have it anymore. This is why I want to share with you the simple cures to heartburn.

There are a few reasons that you would get heartburn, but a highly probable one is just simple physical space. You have your stomach, which is of a limited size and it is half full of stomach acid. As you add in food, the acid levels will start to rise. If you eat big meals, you could be pushing the acid levels above the stomach levels and that will push the acid into your esophagus. The only cure in this case is to eat smaller meals more often because you just don't have the physical space to eat large ones.

Another one of the simple cures to heartburn is for when your stomach acids get volatile. Sometimes you'll just eat something that sets off a storm in your stomach. You can calm it down with vinegar. Vinegar contains natural enzymes that balance out the stomach acids. Just eat some vinegar-based products and it should take care of it.

Autor: Elle Nash

Learn more about the Cure For Heartburn and Indigestion

Added: May 30, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


Home Remedies For Heartburn - Herbal Acid Reflux Treatment  

Day by day, numerous people around the word complain about feeling something burning inside their chests. This is a very painful disorder known as heartburn. The intensity of the symptoms vary from one person to another and that's why some patients only feel a mild discomfort while others feel an unbelievable pain.

Everybody knows all the medical treatments for this condition but let's see how effective home remedies for heartburn are.

The common practice has proven home remedies to be very successful in time and now they've become a viable alternative to the prescribed medicine offering a risk free cure.

It's hard to estimate how many home remedies are available for heartburn but below you can read about a few of them that are considered to be best ones.

Let's start with ginger. Many sufferers said that after eating some ginger with their meal, the stomach upset was considerably reduced. You can use fresh ginger or capsule ginger because both have the same effect.

Also, any healthy diet must contain fiber because this cleans the digestive system keeping the stomach acids from returning to the esophagus.

Third in line are the digestive enzymes. This type of remedy speeds up the digestive process eliminating the heartburn. You can find them available in convenient chewy capsule form and you won't have to combine them with your meal or drink them with a glass of water.

The above mentioned herbal remedies for heartburn were very effective for most acid reflux sufferers but you should know that every single person is different. That's why the result cannot be the same for everybody. That's why you should try a few remedies and see which one offers the best results eliminating the pain from your chest.

Heartburn is a very unpleasant condition but if you're patient, you can forget about the symptoms very fast. I recommend you try these herbal acid reflux remedies but as always, make sure you consult your doctor first before proceeding.

Autor: Ricky Lim

Discover the best home remedies for heartburn that are proven effective. Learn more herbal acid reflux treatment that you can try at home.

Added: May 29, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


Remedy Reflux - Cure Heartburn Naturally  

Did you know that you may be able to remedy reflux with some simple ingredients you have in your refrigerator and cupboard? Most people think that antacids and medication are the only 2 options for gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD). Fortunately, you can cure heartburn naturally with simple dieting tricks.

In fact, antacids may actually be causing more harm than good. If you are taking antacids more than 14 days, you could be hiding a greater problem than acid reflux. Look on the label of your antacid and see for yourself!

Here are some tips to cure heartburn naturally! (Using No More Antacids!)

Remedy Reflux in Days

You may have noticed your reflux problem becoming worse and worse over the years. This is typical for heartburn sufferers who regularly take antacids. The reason why your acid reflux is becoming worse is because your esophagus and sphincter.

The esophagus is the tube that carries the food to the stomach. And the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) is the muscle flap that sits atop your stomach. Both tissues are typically damaged or weakened from years of heartburn abuse. However, you can remedy both tissues with simple alternative treatments.

Here are some tips to cure heartburn!

1. Curing GERD starts with curing your esophagus and sphincter. Here are some tips to allow the tissue to heal and strengthen. Eat only soft foods at the start of your alternative treatment. Only drink water as your beverage of choice for 3 days. Do not smoke in the beginning of your treatment.

2. Honey is also a great remedy. Honey should be eaten (1 teaspoon) at least 3 times per day and especially before bed. Honey is a great remedy because it blocks infection, reduces inflammation and has natural healing properties. Honey will naturally heal tissue quickly.

3. You may also wish to drink plenty of water. Water will keep the sphincter clean and create a tight seal over the stomach. You should drink a tall glass of water after every meal and snack.

4. A red apple has also been a very popular remedy. My dad has been using this remedy for almost 30 years now. If you feel a flare-up coming on, eat a slice of red apple immediately.

5. Apple cider vinegar has also been a popular remedy among our customers. Apple cider vinegar works because it is very acidic and helps your stomach digest the food. Many heartburn sufferers have too little stomach acid and therefore the food and acid is refluxed. You can help your stomach digest the food with 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar daily. For a better taste, you should mix with one glass of water and a little honey.

Autor: Joe Barton Joe Barton
Level: Platinum
After years behind a cooperate desk, punching numbers, Joe Barton had enough! Joe's passion was natural health and all his free time was spent reading ... ...

Cure Heartburn Naturally in Hours

Imagine never having to buy another antacid or expensive medication again! Imagine curing your acid reflux by tomorrow. Imagine a step by step remedy to heal and strengthen your esophagus and sphincter.

You can remedy reflux in hours with our 100% guaranteed Acid Reflux Remedy Report. Download your copy now for 50% off!

Joe Barton and Barton Publishing have helped remedy reflux for thousands of heartburn sufferers with a 100% guaranteed Cure Heartburn Naturally Remedy Report.

Remedy Reflux

Added: May 27, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


Prevent Heartburn  

Heartburn is very common, it begins with a burning sensation that starts in the abdomen and move to the chest. It often goes to the back of the throat and sometimes up to the jaw, arms, and back. It is caused by stomach acid washing up into the esophagus. The heart actually has nothing to do with heart burn; it is just the name it got from the sensations it creates.

Heartburn occurs mostly after eating a large meal or a meal with fatty or acid foods in it. Heartburn can also result after taking aspirin, drinking alcohol, smoking, and eating chocolate. Pregnancy, obesity, diabetes, autoimmune disorders and stress can also create heartburn. People who have GERD often get heartburn frequently.

Antacids are the most common treatment of heartburn. They can be found in tablets, liquid, or foams and in extra strength or regular formulas. They can provide practically instant relief from heartburn. They do not reduce any acid build up or feelings of fullness in the stomach. They have ingredients like aluminum hydroxide, sodium bicarbonate, or calcium carbonate. Calcium can actually cause more stomach acid to build up so taking antacids with calcium is not going to provide relief for long. Sometimes antacids cannot be taken with other medications so check with you doctor. Some of those medications are iron supplements, aspirin, and steroids.

Most people lie to use milk to relief their heartburn. This is not a good antidote. Drinking a glass of milk can provide immediate relief as it is going down but the milk has calcium and protein in it. Calcium and protein can actually create even more acid production in the stomach. So in as little as a half an hour your heart burn has returned and it is more severe than when you drank the milk.

If you get heartburn frequently avoiding certain things can help to prevent it from reoccurring. Smoking, alcohol, coffee, and carbonated drinks can worsen heartburn and create it. Things like onions, tomato products, and citrus fruits can cause heartburn as well. Lying down to much can cause heartburn, even lying down after eating. Eating chocolate, mints, and peppermints can all cause heartburn. Anything spicy can cause heart burn, same with fatty foods. Losing weight if you are obese can make heartburn go away that was brought on by obesity. Medications like sedatives and aspirins can cause heartburn as well.

Some other things you can do to help your heart burn is place blocks under the head of your bed about 6 inches tall so that it makes an incline and you're not lying flat. Eat 2 to 3 hours before you lie down, and don't over eat. Avoid wearing belts and tight clothes.

Avoid drinks that are to hot or too cold. Find ways to reduce stress.

Another thing you can try is taking an herbal supplement. Heartburn Prevention by Renewal Life an advanced digestive enzyme supplement made for prevention of heartburn. It has betaine hydrochloride from beets and 3 different plant based digestive enzymes. The 3 digestive enzymes are protease, amylase, and lipase; they promote the digestion of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. The hydrochloric acid helps to prevent indigestion. This product can be found at Alternative Health Supplements and is all natural and safe for even vegans to use.

Autor: Steve A Johnson

Steven Johnson is committed to helping people maintain healthy and effective lifestyles. For more information on any other health supplements please visit his website Alternative Health Supplements at http://www.alternative-health-supplements.com/heartburn-prevention.htm.

Added: May 25, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


Heartburn Alternative - How to Cure GERD  

A heartburn alternative might be something as simple as a teaspoon of honey. Unfortunately, many people think that antacids are their only option.

Fact! Natural health research has been growing by leaps and bounds recently and there are numerous ways you can cure gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD) naturally.

If you are noticing your acid reflux becoming worse and worse, now is the time to fully cure your acid reflux problem. In this article, you will learn how to cure GERD with 5 simple and effective alternative remedies.

A Heartburn Alternative

Understanding how to cure GERD may be as simple as healing your lower esophageal sphincter. The lower esophageal sphincter (LES) is the muscle that sits atop your stomach. Doctors and GERD researchers have discovered that all acid reflux sufferers have a weak sphincter.

The sphincter's main job is to keep food and stomach acid in your stomach until digested. However, a weak or damaged sphincter will allow food and stomach acid to be refluxed into the esophagus.

The good news is that your sphincter is a muscle than can be strengthened and restored to near perfect condition with a healthy diet and lifestyle. Here are some tips to begin your alternative treatment today.

How to Cure GERD Tips

1. Avoiding soda, coffee and alcohol can allow the sphincter tissue to heal. You should only drink water for the first week of your alternative treatment.

2. Another popular remedy is drinking a glass of milk with a teaspoon of baking soda. This has also been beneficial to some of our customers.

3. One common remedy is to drink a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar directly which will help the stomach digest the food. This remedy gives immediate relief.

4. However, other people find that mixing baking soda with apple cider vinegar is a better option than just apple cider vinegar. The baking soda will reduce the acidic burn while consuming plus give you immediate reflux relief.

5. Honey is one of the most popular remedies around for heartburn. Honey works very well strengthening and healing the tissue of the sphincter. If you have recently heard, honey has also been found preserved in the pyramids and is thought to be used for healing thousands of years ago.

Make sure to eat 3 teaspoons of honey throughout the day (especially right before bed). The honey will begin to strengthen and to rebuild the muscle tissue of the sphincter in days.

Autor: Joe Barton Joe Barton
Level: Platinum
After years behind a cooperate desk, punching numbers, Joe Barton had enough! Joe's passion was natural health and all his free time was spent reading ... ...

How to Cure GERD in 24 Hours

I hope that these 5 tips have given you some hope. If you would like to learn how to cure GERD in 24 hours or less, please visit our website. We offer the only step by step remedy that is 100% satisfaction guaranteed. Download our Heartburn Alternative Report now for 50% off.

Joe Barton and Barton Publishing have helped thousands of people heal their sphincter and permanently cure acid reflux with their Heartburn Alternative Report. Learn how to cure GERD now.

Heartburn Alternative

Added: May 23, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


Acid Reflux Alternative - How to Stop Heartburn With 1  

An acid reflux alternative can be very inexpensive and effective. Unfortunately, many people spend hundreds of dollars on antacids every year. Though antacids will provide temporary relief to acid reflux symptoms, they will never fully cure your heartburn.

That is why thousands of people are learning how to stop heartburn with a simple acid reflux alternative. And one remedy that many people are now using costs less than a dollar and is very nutritious for you.

Let me explain about this $1 remedy.

A $1 Acid Reflux Alternative Treatment

I have always been interested in natural health! My dad's life was actually saved by natural health over 30 years ago and his acid reflux alternative only cost him $1. Unfortunately, he spent thousands on other types of traditional treatments.

In 1976, my dad almost died during stomach surgery for some bleeding ulcers. Because of a complicated surgery, my dad spent almost a year vomiting refluxed stomach acid. Fortunately, my dad finally woke up one morning to discover that he slept the whole night without one reflux attack.

After retracing his previous nights activities and doing some home experiments, my dad discovered that a simple red apple helped cure his acid reflux. Almost 30 years later, my dad carries a few slices of red apple wherever he goes. And most apples cost a little over $1 a pound.

And the good news is that there are numerous other remedies that are inexpensive and effective. Here are some more!

5 Ways to Stop Heartburn Naturally

To cure this disease, you must cure your lower esophageal sphincter (LES). The sphincter is located above the stomach and is responsible for keeping stomach acid in the stomach.

1. You should immediately begin to strengthen and heal your sphincter tissue which keeps stomach acid in the stomach. You can do this by taking 3 teaspoons of honey a day for healing the tissue.

2. Drinking water is very important for keep your sphincter sealed after eating. You should drink a tall glass of water after every meal and snack.

3. Avoid crunchy foods for a while. Crunchy and hard foods like chips and granola bars scratch the sphincter which causes it to leak stomach acid.

4. You should also drink 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar daily. You can drink this with one glass of water. The apple cider vinegar is very acidic and will help speed the digestion process up.

5. Keeping your meals smaller will also help. You should eat 5-6 small meals (about the size of your fist) and not 3 large meals. This will keep your sphincter in better condition and it will also help you lose weight!

Autor: Joe Barton Joe Barton
Level: Platinum
After years behind a cooperate desk, punching numbers, Joe Barton had enough! Joe's passion was natural health and all his free time was spent reading ... ...

How to Cure Reflux in 24 Hours

Who would have thought that an acid reflux alternative could be so simple! I trust these tips have given you hope that antacids and medications are NOT needed! If you are interested in more researched and alternative ways to cure acid reflux, please visit our website now.

We offer a 100% guaranteed Reflux Remedy Report that is step by step and even doctor approved!

Joe Barton and Barton Publishing have helped thousands of heartburn sufferers with an Acid Reflux Alternative Remedy Report. For a 100% guaranteed cure that is step by step and researched,

Acid Reflux Alternative

Added: May 22, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


Learn What Causes Heartburn and 7 Heartburn Cures  

Have you ever wondered what causes heartburn and why the symptoms of heartburn seem to appear so quickly?

Well, you are not alone for approximately 20 million people suffer from heartburn. More information on this statistic in a moment, but let's discover just what exactly happens to you to create symptoms of heartburn.

The stomach is shaped like the letter J.

Once you learn the mechanics of your body, you have a better idea how to avoid the symptoms of heartburn.

Down the Hatch 101 is about to begin. Learn how you have become one of the astounding 20 million people who suffer heartburn from overeating.

  • The Esophagus entering at the top and Pyloric sphincter emptying into the small intestine or Duodenum at the bottom.
  • When you swallow, it takes just a few seconds for the mouthful of food to travel down the Esophagus and into the stomach.
  • That "big meal" becomes mixed with Hydrochloric Acid and churns around in your stomach.
  • Some people just naturally produce more Hydrochloric Acid than others and this can also escape into the Esophagus and burn.
  • It puts pressure on the sphincter (valve) separating the stomach and the Esophagus causing acid to splash through and burn the Esophagus.
  • That "big meal" takes time to be processed before it can be released from the stomach into the small intestine. Each time it splashes around more acid slips through to the Esophagus.

Now let's get to the meat of the matter.

When did you cause heart burn to invade your life and make your miserable?

I want you to remember the most incredibly delicious, overindulging, holiday/celebration/big game meal you've had recently when your heartburn was unbearable ... I bet you can.

Now let's just imagine what you could have done differently to avoid the symptoms of heartburn and instead ignite heartburn cures!

7 Igniting Heartburn Cures to End Your Symptoms of Heartburn For Good

  1. Slow down your eating.
    Most people don't even pay attention to how fast or how much they are eating. That's why so many people overeat. It takes approximately 20 minutes for the brain to understand the stomach is full.
  2. Eat smaller portions.
    It's so easy to be unaware of what you are putting down your throat into your stomach until it's too late.
  3. Chew your food thoroughly.
    We'll talk more about this critical point in another article but it is wise to follow the old adage chew 32 times before swallowing.
  4. Drink water before the meal and during the meal.
    This is so important because you fill up faster and end up eating less food and staying fuller for a longer period of time.
  5. Refrain from drinking caffeine drinks or carbonated beverages during the meal.
    Caffeine products, including chocolate, can cause you problems.
  6. After your meal go for a leisure walk.
    A mild activity after eating is best and walking is by far one of the easiest and most effective.
  7. Do not lay down after eating.
    This is so important because over time and with many large meals, the sphincter stretches and relaxes allowing acid to escape whenever you recline or lie down ... creating more "heartburn."

Autor: Nancy Cogar Nancy Cogar
Level: Basic
Hi, my name is Nancy and I have been in the nursing field for over 35 years. Each and every email or article I write ... ...

There are some jobs you have for life: Motherhood is one but so is Nursing. I happen to feel blessed to have become a nurse nearly 40 years ago. I absolutely love what I do and the articles I write are for educational purposes only. Be sure to read more about my extensive health care background and specialty areas in the biography area.

As sales manager for the 8 Candles Trading Post, I blend my extensive professional experiences in both the medical and alternative fields together to bring you information that serves you and your needs.

Discover more health tips on what causes heartburn and product reviews. Learn how to take care of your body so it will perform at it's peak level for you. Whether you are working toward improving your health or maintaining it. The end result ... an excellent report when you go for your annual physical.

Check out the entire website and look around. Join the newsletter and download a FREE ebook of natural remedies. Favorite our blog and read some of my latest discoveries and applications made easy for you to understand and use in your home. Pass our blog on to your family and friends and anyone else who is looking for a reputable and health-success-conscious business focused with educating you with facts and products that produce the results they promise.

Added: May 20, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


Heartburn - Put the Fire Out Naturally and Discover How to Keep it Out!  

It starts out a small fire and can become a huge inferno. Erupting like a volcano, heartburn or acid reflux can be very painful.

I used to suffer heartburn quite often and would try all most anything to relieve the burn; however, did you know that over-the-counter and prescription drugs for heatrburn are only supposed to be used for 2 weeks maximum?

So...I started researching some natural heartburn remedies.

First of all, I found out what foods can trigger an attack or make it worse when it has already started.

I was very surprised to find out my beloved peppermint may actually aggravate heartburn by relaxing the ring of muscle at the top of the stomach, slowing acid to splash up into the esophagus. Needless to say I stop eating peppermint candy after I ate.

Here is a list of foods that can make heartburn worse:

  • Alcohol
  • Cheese
  • Milk chocolate
  • Anything with caffeine
  • Fried foods
  • Potato chips
  • Grapefruits and oranges
  • Onions
  • Tomatoes

Wow, no wonder I was suffering heartburn so bad...that was most of my daily food! So...I did a 180 and started watching what I eat (most of the time), walking around awhile after I ate, and on those rare occasions I do suffer heartburn...I use one of these natural heartburn remedies to quiet the burn:

SLIPPERY ELM BARK: Soothes the digestive tract. Take 1 to 2 capsules with a glass of water or milk before meals.

CHAMOMILE: Calms heartburn. Can drink as a tea or take 1 capsule with a meal twice daily.

MEADOWSWEET: Tea for Acid Stomachs: Take equal parts of meadowsweet, chamomile flowers, and comfrey leaves, dried. Mix together and store in a clean jar. Use 1 tablespoon to 1 cup boiling water. Allow the tea to steep for 10 minutes. Drink 3 to 6 cups a day.

GINGER: Very effective for digestive problems. It works by relaxing the smooth muscles on the esophagus walls, which helps to prevent acid reflux. You can make a tea with powdered ginger or fresh ginger root. Or, take two ginger capsules twenty minutes before eating.

APPLES : Eat one with meals for heartburn relief or eat a few slices before you go to bed to help relieve acid reflux.(This is one I use very often!)

HOT PEPPERS: This remedy sounds backwards; however, studies suggest hot peppers might protect the stomach lining and actually reduce heartburn and indigestion.

RICE: Eat daily for frequent heartburn suffers particularly that associated with pregnancy

SALIVA: Chew a piece of gum or suck on a piece of hard candy (not peppermints!) to wash the acidic material back down the stomach where it belongs.

NOTE: If you are pregnant, please consult your doctor before trying any natural remedy.

**Important: Persistent heartburn should not be ignored and should be evaluated by a physician.

Autor: Vickey Boatright Vickey Boatright
Level: Basic PLUS
Vickey Boatright has worked as a fund accountant for over 10 years; she is the financial advisor of her church and editor of two websites: ... ...

Vickey Boatright is a fund accountant for a non-profit organization and author of the website: http://www.naturalremediesforbetterhealth.com a resource for home and herbal remedies for common ailments such as heartburn, indigestion, allergies, acne, etc

Added: May 19, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


Heartburn - Vinegar-Like Reflux?  

It is a blatant fact that pharmaceutical companies are loaded. They make billions and billions in profits. For years and years we have all believed the only way to good health was through their medicines. It is true there are instances where their medication works and also saves lives. But it is also true they are marketing medicines that have very little or no effect. A perfect example is that of heartburn. Vinegar burns and so does heartburn. Along with the burn there's burping, rising bile, sleeplessness, digestive problems and the list goes on and on.

There are no words to describe how awful heartburn is. Another term for heartburn is acid reflux. One of the main reasons modern medicine is not having any effect on easing this awful condition is because it's trying to obliterate the symptoms. Modern medicine has not been able to get rid of the symptoms. If you are desperate and need to know how to effectively treat heartburn then consider getting as much information as possible. Modern medicine isn't helping so turn to another source. But it must be a safe source. If you start reading up natural remedies and systems you can be sure it is safe for your health. The whole point of using a system such as that of 'Heartburn No More' is because it promotes good health and shuns drugs i.e. OTC medication.

Using a natural method means no more heartburn. Vinegar nightmare over and good health returns. You will start sleeping at night rather than tossing and turn in pain and discomfort. You will know what to eat and what not to eat. Your social life will have no embarrassing incidents. In other words your life will become normal and your health will improve dramatically. All this is worth reading 'Heartburn No More' packed with information.

Autor: Vince Peterson

Vince Peterson is an expert on heart burn. He writes for popular blog HeartBurnReliefFast.Com. He provides honest, informative articles on topics like heartburn vinegar-like bile and much more. Check out the website for more info!

Added: May 18, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


Heartburn - Food Can Heal Or Harm  

There does seem to be a heartburn and food link. The very last thing any person who suffers from heartburn wants to do is eat or drink anything that is sour or acidic. We want to avoid food and drink containing ingredients like lemon juice, vinegar and even wine. The reason is because we already have an acidic-like burn from the stomach to our throats. The burn can be so bad it can be described as painful. As we all know, pain simply wears you down over time. Every time we swallow our throat feels raw. The very though of acidic foods makes us feel even worse.

We are told things like its good to drink milk because milk forms a protective coating against our internal acids. We are also advised not to eat hot and spicy foods that contain chilies and to leave out the Tabasco sauce. Those of us who suffer from this condition will never do anything to worsen heartburn. Food has completely changed in its function. Chinese culture still maintains food is a medicine - a natural medicine. It is used to regulate and keep the body in balance. This is the real function of food. Chinese culture is also aware that certain foods don't agree with certain people and results in conditions or unbalance. This is why food plays such an important role in the treatment and healing of heartburn. There are most certainly foods that are bad for heartburn and foods that are good.

Because it's not easy to find a medical practitioner who acknowledges the positive effects of natural methods there are those who have done their own research. Once you start reading about what they have discovered and learnt you will be surprised because it makes so much sense. The whole approach is to find out why you have heartburn in the first place. This is why you will have to make certain changes like what you eat and drink. If you became knowledgeable about a system like 'Heartburn No More' it will be easy to make changes to your lifestyle to prevent heartburn.

Autor: Vince Peterson

Vince Peterson is an expert on heart burn. He writes for popular blog HeartBurnReliefFast.Com. He provides honest, informative articles on topics like heartburn food and much more. Check out the website for more info!

Added: May 17, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


Heartburn Remedies and Ways to Prevent It  

Heartburn does not affect the heart as what its name implies. It is a reflux that happens when the acid from the stomach gets through the esophagus. This usually happens after a big meal or when a person is lying down.

Heartburn usually lasts from a couple of minutes to a few hours. Actually, most people often mistake heartburn for the onset of a heart attack. That is why it is important to know the symptoms of heartburn so you will not cause yourself an anxiety attack for fear of a heart attack. Some of the symptoms include but not limited to feeling of discomfort in the stomach, chest pain, throat pain and if there is an acid taste in the mouth. There are some who are predisposed to having heartburn frequently, check with the doctor, because if you do not it can lead to something much worse such as esophagitis.

Do not worry because there are heartburn remedies you can take such as antacids. However, it is most useful to know how to prevent one such as avoiding or limiting oneself to smoking, avoiding caffeinated drinks and alcohol. Citrus fruits and tomatoes and tomato products should also be avoided. Chocolates, mints and peppermints can make heartburn worse so if you can limit eating them, do so.

Remember it is always best to prevent heartburn than look for a cure. It is all about having a healthy lifestyle and eating the right amount that can actually prevent having all sorts of diseases and discomforts.

Autor: Cheryl Forbes

Cheryl Forbes owns and operates the website http://www.heartburn-remedy.info

Added: May 15, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


How to Cure Heartburn Fast the Natural Way  

Millions of people suffer from heartburn on a regular basis. Many of those same people try countless remedies and prescriptions to rid themselves of there alignment. Some simple methods include monitoring what you eat. Reducing the amount of acidic foods you intake, eating slower, and following meals with tums. But this DOES NOT work well enough for most. There are two technics that work well for getting rid of heartburn.

First method, organic apple cider vinegar. A tablespoon of Apple cider vinegar can be quite affective in alleviating heartburn in a matter of minutes, give it a try. Second method, Calcium Bentonite, this is a rare totally natural healing clay, that has amazing health benefits that include totally alleviating heartburn in a matter of SECONDS! yes seconds. This substance has a high PH balance allowing for complete acid balancing in the stomach almost instantly. It is so affective that most people that take this everyday report never having heartburn again.

You have to be careful though and make sure you get Calcium Bentonite from a source that is unprocessed and totally pure. You will be amazed how many uses this clay actually has, but if you are tired of the burn in your chest, if your serious about instant relief their is no better aid then Calcium Bentonite Clay in my opinion. Calcium Bentonite clay has been studied and researched by the University of Arizona, The University of Texas, UCLA, The World Health Organization uses Calcium Bentonite as the only medical treatment for the deadly flesh eating bacteria, and its been studied by the Geological Society as well, all of these organization and more have all found Calcium bentonite as an amazing health organism.Recent studies have shown it to improve the PH of your body, reduce toxins in your body and help your bodies immune system while treating your heartburn.

To read all about the science and research go to rencodirect.com/articles for links to all the medical scientific research. Even animals realize the eating clay will offset the problems of the foods they eat. In a research study at the Tambopata Reasearch center during certain times of the year when normal berries are out of season parrots feast on toxic berries and instinctively seek out clay to remove the toxins and balance there stomachs and intestines and absorb the toxins: "The clay-lick is pretty much a simple cliff face. Somehow all of the birds know that if the clay they eat in the morning will dispel the toxins in the poisonous fruit during the day.

Many species of parrot know to do this." As referenced below, Professor Diamond masterfully - and quite correctly - sets the record straight concerning the exact reasons that parrots (and many other animals) seek out clay as a supplement to their diets. In the parrots' case, the decision to use clay is one of life and death. As our world becomes a far more toxic place to live, one might wonder if the same situation may be applied to mankind.

So when I get heartburn I reach for Calcium Bentonite, so what are you waiting for find out more and GET RID OF YOUR HEARTBURN ALREADY!


Autor: Elan Schuffman Elan Schuffman
Level: Basic
Elan Schuffman has worked in health care and natural medicine for over a decade, leading on cutting edge research, helping families with preexisting conditions to ... ...

Elan Schuffman has worked in health care and natural medicine for over 10 years.
If you want to learn about proven scientific natural ways to truly detox your body and help fight 100's of alignments go to http://www.rencodirect.com/i/rs10000/livingclay.htm

Added: May 14, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


How to Get Rid of Heartburn the Easy and Fast Way  

Would you like to learn how to get rid of heartburn?

Would you like to be able to cure your heartburn or acid reflux?

I'm willing to bet that you would. In this article were going take a look at some things you can do to help stop the pain and suffering that comes with a bad case of heartburn.

How To Prevent It

For the most part you can prevent heartburn by making changes to your lifestyle and staying away from the wrong foods. Some of the worst foods you can eat are greasy ones, spicy foods, peppers, onions, dairy products, and chocolate. However, heartburn could be caused by any foods that you may be allergic too. Keep note of any foods and ingredients that cause you any pain.

It shouldn't come as any surprise that staying away from alcoholic beverages and smoking will also help allot. Many alcoholic beverages will practically burn your stomach and even burn all the way down as you drink it. Alcohol makes it hard to treat your condition because mixing it with medication isn't a very good idea. Smoking causes your stomach to produce even more acid. Smoking could also cause your medication to no work as effectively at fighting off all that acid.

Stress is a major cause of heartburn. Under these circumstances getting rid of the stress will help prevent allot of the extra acids that your stomach is producing. I recommend that you find an activity that helps you relax and unwind. You go for a massage once per week, take up yoga, or even learn meditation.

Treating It From Home

For the vast majority of cases you should be able to treat it right at home. There are numerous herbs and natural products you might have at home right now that could help you treat that burning sensation that you feel. I will give you a few that you can try.

Apple Cider Vinegar: This is the most common home remedy. You have to make sure you use the organic kind. Anything that has been pasteurized will not work. Take one or two teaspoons of it to see how your stomach responds.

Ginger: Ginger is great for your stomach. You can put this on your foods, chew on a ginger leaf, or make a ginger tea.

That should be enough to help you get started on preventing and curing your heartburn.

Autor: Darren Wadell

If you would like to learn more about curing heartburn and acid reflux I recommend you check out the best heartburn remedies. And for more tips, tricks, and advice visit Top Heartburn Remedies

Added: May 13, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


How to Treat Heartburn With Or Without Medications  

There are all sorts of different ways to treat, cure, and remedy heartburn. You can do it with medication or you can do it the natural way. This article is going to take a look at a number of different options that you have to help deal with your condition.


The most common way to treat heartburn and acid reflux is through medications. Most people will simply start out with some medications that can be found on the shelf of the local pharmacy. These medications are great if your heartburn is not very severe. If you just get the odd case then that should be enough to get you by.

Some people have very severe heartburn. These are often the people who get it regularly. However, some people may only get it one or twice a month. Some of these people who only get once an awhile will get it severely too. These are the two groups of people who will need something a little more stronger.

Most medications are simply acid reducers. These acid reducers try to reduce the amount of acid your stomach makes. The problem with these drugs is that your stomach needs to produce acid. The real problem has to do with why the acid is rising to touch the esophagus. Medication does not deal with that problem.

Prevention Of Heartburn

Allot of heartburn can be prevented. Many people could get rid of simply by staying away from the wrong foods, reducing stress in their life, staying away from alcoholic beverages, losing weight, stop smoking, and learning to not eat before you go to bed. If those things don't work then you may have other problems.

Natural Ways Of Dealing With It

It is possible to treat heartburn in perfectly natural ways. You can use ingredients you have around the home, through herbs, or even herbal supplements.

Aloe Vera Juice: Drinking the juice from this plant can sooth over your esophagus. It won't work for everyone, but it will work for some people. You should drink this before you eat anything else.

Marshmallow Root Tea: This is a herbal remedy that works well for some. You simply add a table spoon of it to hot boiling water. From here you simply drink away.

Autor: Darren Wadell

If you would like to learn more about curing heartburn and acid reflux I recommend you check out the best heartburn remedies. And for more tips, tricks, and advice visit Top Heartburn Remedies

Added: May 11, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


Digestive Enzymes and Heartburn  

Weird. They call it heartburn but it does not affect the heart. Then why call it heartburn? Heartburn with its bitter taste in the throat and mouth is a burning feeling in the lower chest. It usually happens after eating a big meal or while lying down. Heartburn can last a few minutes or a few hours.

Heartburn is caused by a stomach acid that irritates the esophagus thus causing heartburn. If someone is experiencing heartburn sometimes then it is probably not serious but if the heartburn is frequent then it may be serious and can lead to esophagitis. Esophagitis is severe because it inflames the lining of the esophagus, narrows the esophagus that then leads to bleeding and trouble swallowing. Frequent heartburn also could be a symptom for acid reflex disease, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), gastritis, hiatal hernia or peptic ulcer.

So if you want you heartburn to not go serious then you also need to avoid the factors that will make it worse. Heartburn becomes worse when people after overeating bends down or lies down. Pregnancy, stress and certain foods can also make matters worse for heartburn. Other things that can make heartburn worse are cigarette smoking, regular and decaffeinated coffee, alcohol, carbonated drinks, citrus fruits, tomato products, mint or peppermints, chocolates, onions, fatty foods, spicy foods, medicines such as sedatives and those for high blood pressure and being overweight or obese.

One tip that can lessen the chances of heartburn is by taking in digestive enzyme supplements.

Digestive enzymes deficiencies can cause gas, bowel problems, bloating, food allergies, indigestion, weight gain and of course, heartburn. These digestive enzymes are very essential to the body because they initiate and control almost every biochemical reaction in the body. Digestive enzymes break down food particles into components for the cells. Digestive enzymes are needed to rebuild and repair tissues and bones. Digestive enzymes also detoxify our blood and tissues, they also are needed to convert food into energy. Digestive enzymes are also needed for our immune system to work optimally.

But the bad thing about it, our bodies have a limited supply of enzymes. We lose 13% of our enzyme potential for every 10 years of our lives. 50% of adults do not produce enough digestive enzymes. Research has even declared that the faster we use up our enzymes, the sooner we die. But this imbalance can be undone by taking in digestive enzyme supplements.

So again if your heartburn is becoming serious then you better follow seriously those tips above. Before its too late. Have a nice day then! Chow!

Autor: Paul S Fitzgerald Paul S Fitzgerald
Level: Platinum
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Added: May 10, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


Heartburn Home Treatment - Stop Heartburn Fast!  

Are you currently suffering from frequent and severe heartburn? If you are then you will enjoy this article. Were going to take a look at some of the best ways you can treat heartburn from home. Many of these methods will allow you to have relief very quickly.

Treatment #1: Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has become well known for it's ability to get rid of heartburn or acid reflux fast. What apple cinder vinegar does is give your stomach the right kind of acid your stomach needs to help break down foods. To increase its effectiveness you should mix it with honey and warm water. 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, 1 teaspoon of honey, and 1 cup of warm water. Make sure the honey and vinegar are both organic.

Treatment #2: Aloe Vera Juice

Aloe Vera is great for healing many different things. There is no real proof that it will work on heartburn, but many people find it to be very effective. You should be able to find some at a health store or you could just buy it online.

Treatment #3: Yellow Mustard

Most people would think that mustard would make heartburn worse. Just like apple cider vinegar it contains acids that your stomach needs. This is why mustard can help with heartburn for some people. If you take 1 teaspoon of yellow mustard with glass of water you should see some quick relief.

Treatment #4: Cabbage

Yes cabbage is one great heartburn cure. There are a number of different receipts floating around for this. The best thing you can do with cabbage is to simply make a cabbage soup. Boil the cabbage in water and then add whatever you would like to that mix.

Treatment #5: Chamomile Tea

This is a great tea for heartburn and it is also relaxing. All you really need to do is make a chamomile tea and drink up after each meal.

That should be enough home treatments to help get you started. Just realize that some will work better for some people then others.

Autor: Darren Wadell

If you would like to learn more about curing heartburn and acid reflux I recommend you check out the best heartburn remedies. And for more tips, tricks, and advice visit Top Heartburn Remedies

Added: May 9, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


How to Cure Heartburn Naturally Without Medication  

Your stomach is burning, you feel the pain, and you wish you could get rid of it. The good news is that you can get rid of it. With the right changes to your lifestyle and some good old natural remedies you can put an end to that suffering. In this article we will take a look at few things you can do to prevent heartburn and some natural remedies you can try.

Can You Prevent Heartburn?

There is no real way to guarantee that you will not get heartburn. People get upset stomachs and indigestion for various reasons. However, you can do some things to help prevent these problems.

One of the things you can do to prevent heartburn is to eat smaller meals. By eating smaller meals it makes it easier for your stomach to digest foods. This helps prevent heartburn, indigestion, gas, and bloating. The bigger the meal you eat the harder your stomach has to work to break down those foods.

You should also avoid eating right before you go to bed. Give your stomach 2 to 3 hours to digest your foods before you sleep. This can help stop allot of that bedtime heartburn that many people get.

A large number of people get indigestion, heartburn, and other stomach related problems because of stress. In these cases you will find that most medications will do little to solve your problem. You have to address the stress head on. This may mean taking time off work, getting a new job, take the time to relax, take up yoga, or even meditation. These are all effective ways of dealing with stress.

Remedies For Heartburn

There are few different remedies floating around for heartburn that you can try. The most common one is taking a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. If that doesn't work you can try one of the ones I'm about to tell you about.

Vegetable Juice: The juices from certain vegetables can help get rid of heartburn. There are also some vegetables that could make it worse. A few that you can try, are celery, carrots, and cucumber.

Baking Soda And Water: This is one that has been used for along time, but is often overlooked now of days. Simply add some baking soda to water and then drink up.

Cinnamon Tea: Ginger tea is often used to treat heartburn. If you don't like ginger then you may want to try cinnamon. Add some cinnamon sticks to your tea and drink it twice per day.

Autor: Darren Wadell

If you would like to learn more about curing heartburn and acid reflux I recommend you check out the best heartburn remedies. And for more tips, tricks, and advice visit Top Heartburn Remedies

Added: May 7, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/


Natural Heartburn Cure - Stop the Burning Without Pills  

Anyone who suffers from frequent heartburn would love to stop the pain that is associated with it. Most people start with some off the shelf medications that they find at the local pharmacy. These medications work for some people, but in many cases their not really good enough. Subscription drugs may come with side effects and can even do long-term harm to your stomach. Were going to look at some alternative ways of dealing with heartburn.

Quick Fixes

The vast majority of medications are just quick fixes for heartburn. The same thing could be said about natural remedies. Most natural remedies will simply stop the heartburn. The problem with both of these is that they don't address why you are getting the heartburn in the first place. To cure heartburn for good you need to find out the root cause of the problem.

Eating the wrong foods can be the cause of frequent heartburn. Some people will not stop eating lots of greasy foods, chocolate, spicy foods, foods with lots of acids, and the foods that they are allergic too. If you wont improve your diet, then you can expect to suffer from heartburn and acid reflux for many years to come. It may get so bad that you do damage to your esophagus.

Stress is a big problem for people who are having stomach issues. You need to do your best to eliminate stress from your life. You can do this by taking time for yourself, doing your best to stay fit, stop spending money excessively, and maybe even finding a new job.

A Few Home Cures

If your looking for a few quick remedies then you can try some of the following methods.

Take a half teaspoon of baking soda and add it to a glass of water. This should help sooth over your stomach.

A glass of milk is known to help with heartburn. This works well when you have been eating spicy foods. However, you should know that diary can upset your stomach even more for some people.

Ginger root. I recommend that you make some ginger root tea when you feel the effects of heartburn or after each meal. You can also try eating it in your foods.

Apple cider vinegar. Take one teaspoon or even two. Make sure you get the organic kinds.

As you can see heartburn can be cured naturally. It's up to you to make the right changes to your life so that you don't have to suffer with the pain anymore.

Autor: Darren Wadell

If you would like to learn more about curing heartburn and acid reflux I recommend you check out the best heartburn remedies. And for more tips, tricks, and advice visit Top Heartburn Remedies

Added: May 7, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/