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Heartburn or pyrosis is a painful or burning sensation in the esophagus, just below the breastbone caused by regurgitation of gastric acid. The pain often rises in the chest and may radiate to the neck, throat, or angle of the jaw. Heartburn is also identified as one of the causes of chronic cough, and may even mimic asthma. Despite its name, heartburn actually has nothing to do with the heart. It is so called because of a burning sensation of the breastbone where the heart is located although some heart problems do have a similar sensation to heartburn. Compounding the confusion is the fact that hydrochloric acid from the stomach comes back up the esophagus because of a problem with the cardiac sphincter, a valve which misleadingly contains the word "cardiac" (an adjective referring to the heart) in its name.

Heartburn (GERD) � Simple Diet Changes For Prevention and Cure  

Heartburn is the common name for GERD, or gastroesophageal reflux disease. Here, we give you some advice on the prevention of heartburn (GERD) and alleviate the symptoms of this unpleasant condition.

Why Heart Is Burn?

GERD, occurs when stomach acid and enzymes escape the stomach and climb into the esophagus.

Unlike the stomach, which is protected by a thick layer of mucus, the esophagus is vulnerable to damage because of the strong complaints digestive juices in the stomach and can be damaged on time.

More specifically, the effect of GERD occurs when the sphincter between the stomach and esophagus is weakened and the pressure between the stomach and esophagus is uneven.

Why heartburn is so uncomfortable?

When the pressure in the stomach is too high or the pressure in the esophagus is too low, with the sphincter is relaxed, the stomach acid can flow back, until the esophagus.

This is always experienced as unpleasant burning sensation that travels up gradually from the stomach into the throat, along with a sour, bitter taste mouth.

The stomach digestive organs liquids can be used for the upper air and esophagus, causing or worsening a variety of conditions such as asthma, chronic cough
, sinusitis (Swelling of the sinuses), pneumonia, and other.

What are the causes?

GERD can be any number of reasons, but in general, the list includes (but is not limited to) the following:

Side effects of certain medications, obesity, pregnancy, menopause, inherited characteristics, large and too frequent meals, poor dietary habits, smoking, surgical or other damage to the lower esophageal sphincter cancer, esophagitis, and soon after lying to a meal.

Quite of course, have your doctor if you have this condition, and if it continues more than one occasion, when in a while .

The removal of over-the-counter antacid remedies can actually worsen the problem by weakening the digestive process (because of drugs the rebound effect), and how they almost always contain heavy metals (aluminum or magnesium) and can have negative consequences , on neurological system.

Rules avoid Heartburn

There are some simple rules, some foods to avoid and a sleeping posture, which have proved to limit and even eliminate, Gerd and the GERD effect.

Rules to follow:

1. They eat no later than 3 hours before the plan to sleep. In general, try to eat early in the evening, and always in the evening, a light meal one.

2. Reduce your weight.

3. Stop smoking

4. Not wear very tight clothes could constrict that the abdomen

5. Generally not eat large meals, but smaller, and in the evening before the couches, do not eat, something to eat on the list.

6 restricted. Before sleeping, for a few moments in a window and do some deep breathing, inhaling and exhaling deeply.

This your energy nervous system and can in the prevention of Gerd, if the other measures are also followed.

Dietary Limitations: The dinner must not so large or heavy, and at least 3 hours before you plan to sleep.

Foods to Avoid

There are many foods which must be avoided, and the following list is only a guide, It is a guide for sensible dinner. Through the use of the word "avoid" below, we do not mean eliminate, but if you plan to eat one of the following sparingly.

1 they eat. Avoid all acid foods (such as coffee, tea, chocolate, orange juice, cranberry juice, tomatoes and tomato sauce), spicy foods (such as garlic and onions). Avoid all soft drinks such as Coca-Cola and Pepsi Cola, and with the exception of natural mineral waters digestive, all sodas in any form.

2. Avoid fried and fatty foods

3. Avoid alcohol, mint /mint, and chocolate.

4. Avoid as much milk products, including cheese, eggs and egg-containing products.

5. Finally, avoid all chewing gum, and any form of sugar, Saigkeiten or desserts.

The above list may seem restrictive, but one of the foods eaten before sleep can worsen and complicate the GERD condition.

Avoid Heart Burn physical measures: your bed

Arrange cushion and support your shoulders and increase the truck to a 15degree angle. This restriction does physical wonders (with emphasis) to restrict the GERD effect.

Simple measures to curb heartburn

The three action, as in the common sense rules, dietary restriction and sleep position, the reduction or elimination of GERD effect.

Should not, we recommend You consult your doctor immediately for additional measures, such as GERD, if untreated they can lead to much more serious conditions.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sacha_Tarkovsky


The Most Common Symptom Of GERD - Heartburn  

What is the most common symptom of Gerd? Heartburn, without doubt. In fact, many people experience GERD, also known as acid reflux disease, on a daily basis. It can even as early as infancy.

In this article we will discuss the most common symptom of Gerd - heartburn.

GERD occurs because a reflux of acid from the stomach comes into the esophagus. This causes a burning sensation occur, and pain experienced. Normally, the pain is in the chest, just below the sternum or near the sternum.

Heartburn and acid reflux may also lead to vomiting because it is too much stomach acid, which are reflected in the esophagus or the pain stomach.

The May felt from heartburn start in the chest and finally radiate to the neck, throat or even in the jaw. Many people who experience intense heartburn say that there is a feeling of acid in the back of the mouth. Another common symptom is chronic cough and is usually a direct result of heartburn.

You would think that heartburn was in connection with the heart, but actually is not. The only reason why it is called this because the burning sensation in the chest is near the heart. The reason for this confusion is that there are similar feelings that you may experience from various heart problems, the desire heartburn.

Usually to diagnose a symptom and see how extreme it is, a probe is inserted into the esophagus to acid levels Who are in the lower oesophagus. Of course, it is normal, that a certain level of acidity, but what doctors are looking for more extreme values before they can say for certain that GERD is what you have.

In some cases, the patients are x-rayed to determine The extent of their acid reflux. A barium solution of the patient and if it is a reflux of a solution in the esophagus, there is a high probability that Gastro Esophageal reflux disease has occurred.

There can not deny that the most common symptom of Gerd is heartburn. There are different types of treatment, from simply stay away from foods with a high acid and drugs to change your lifestyle. The key is trying different techniques and find what works best for your particular situation.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Terry_Edwards


Cure Your Heartburn Quickly and Easily!  

It may come as a surprise, but more than 60 million suffer from heartburn in the U.S. alone. And the list grows by the day. Heartburn is a problem that caused severe pain in the stomach and chest.

Any cure for heartburn must begin at home. The healing should be a combination of changes in diet and lifestyle, combined with medication, if necessary. With the search for an early therapy heartburn, you can avoid the problem worse, which could lead to much harder complications.

For effective remedies first hat identify causes heartburn in you. Note the things you eat. Fatty and spicy foods could be the cause of heartburn in some individuals. Tomatoes and citrus fruits also lead to the following heartburn.

Follow regime for a lasting cure for heartburn. If you are a smoker, smoking immediately.

Alcohol can also cause heartburn. Therefore reduce the intake of alcohol as much as possible. Not eat heavy meals. Eat in small quantities and in regelmaigen frequent intervals. They shall not die immediately after a meal. There should be a distance of at least two hours after meals and your nap.

Raise your bed about six inches on the page, where you get your rest head.

Drink lots and lots of water. If you feel very uncomfortable after a meal, take antacids or a soda, because it frees you of gas and ease heartburn.

If you heartburn during the night or at any other time, take a tablespoon of baking soda and add cup of water and drink the mixture. This can not be free from heartburn permanent cure, but you will heartburn for at least 24 hours.

You can also antacids that are available over the counter. The antacids and gels should not normally give you relief in about two weeks. However, if there is no exemption even after two weeks, then you must consult a doctor. A qualified doctor or gastroenterologist would be able to cure you of heartburn by prescribing some medications diet.

Following and a few simple exercises can cure your heartburn effectively.

Go for a walk every day. Swimming is also one of the most effective ways to clean the body and curing your heartburn. They mild exercises that lead you to sweat. Sweating helps you to lose calories, and this in turn will help you to lose weight. Obesity is one of the main causes of heartburn. Also, by using some simple steps you can find an effective cure for heartburn.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sagi_Venkata_Ramana


The Heartache of Heartburn  

Do you have a burning pain in the chest, neck, neck or immediately after overeating? If this is done after you consume too much fried, spicy and fatty foods? Is drinking coffee, soda or alcohol make you uncomfortable? If the pain is so strong that you feel you have a heart attack?

If She replied with "yes" to the above questions, chances are you have heartburn - one of the most common diseases have misunderstood that affects about 50 million people in the United States alone. No, your heart is not in fire, but your esophagus. Heartburn happens when Super Strong stomach acids are back on the esophagus, the food tube that carries what you swallow up to your stomach. It is a common symptom of hyperacidity or the production of stomach acids acids.

These are usually in the stomach and are to remain there. A muscle cancer called esophageal sphincter prevents them from slipping back up the esophagus. If these muscles relaxed, you're in trouble. The gastric juices and acids literally burn your esophagus, leading to unpleasant symptoms that occur after overeating or heavy drinking and can be as long as two hours. Untreated, this can lead to more serious health problems, such as bleeding ulcers, cancer, scar tissue, a bottleneck in the throat, and damage to teeth, ears or lungs.

Aside of overeating, other factors that help and hyperacidity Heartburn, pregnancy, lack of exercise, smoking, obesity, eating too fast, swallowing air complaints with the food and go to bed immediately after dinner. Certain drugs such as aspirin, sedatives, tetracycline, asthma drugs, calcium channel blockers, and vitamin C may also be the culprits. One of the contributors to graten to hyperacidity and heartburn is stress. Stress increases the secretion of gastric acid and can cause the esophageal sphincter cause cancer. So, if you have worked too hard and burning the candle at midnight recently, it is time to relax and take it easy.

While Antacids may facilitate the burning sensation, they only neutralize stomach acid and a temporary relief. They can also cause certain side effects such as diarrhea or constipation. Some products have a high sodium content that is a no-no for people with high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes or a history of stroke. Others contain large amounts of calcium and should not be used if you suffer from kidney disease. Also, before you take everything, it is best to ask your doctor, especially if the symptoms persist.

To prevent heartburn, do not eat large meals, especially spicy and fatty foods. To help you lose weight safely and naturally take Phenocal - a powerful complement that you may only the metabolism, suppress your appetite, increase energy levels and help you shed those unwanted pounds. For more information, visit http://www.phenocal.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Janet_Martin


Ways to Reduce Heartburn  

There are many ways to reduce the incidence of heartburn. There are some pretty safe food for heartburn sufferers. However, it may be necessary to assess your lifestyle and general health, to prevent the incidence of heartburn. Sometimes it is necessary that a food diary or at least a mental note of food, what you ate before you experience heartburn symptoms. Most people experience occasional heartburn. It is next to impossible to avoid everything that can cause heartburn all the time, but there are ways to reduce heartburn, or at least the likelihood of experiencing heartburn symptoms.

Some ways to reduce heartburn include changes in the diet. If your diet high in fat and acidic foods like tomatoes and citrus fruit, making them more and safe food for heartburn sufferers can the frequency of your heartburn. Experts may not always agree on what safe food for heartburn sufferers, but most agree that food that is low in fat and low acidity. For example, apples, pears and bananas are better choices than oranges. Backte, grilled or cooked skinless, white meat and chicken baked, boiled or broiled seafood are a better choice than hamburger, fried chicken. It is a sensible diet, you are looking for is not only a list of safe foods for the treatment of heartburn sufferers.

Most plans or recommended ways and means to reduce heartburn, even lifestyle changes along with changes in diet. For example, eating several small meals every few hours is better than eating one or two large meals. Even if you only eat supposedly safe food for heartburn sufferers, but you overeat, you heartburn. If you are overweight, eat smaller meals more frequently can help you lose weight by increasing your metabolism and ordnungsgemae maintaining blood glucose levels. The people are overweight, suffer from heartburn more often than people who are in their ideal weight to lose weight, it is one of the ways to reduce the heartburn.

If you heartburn in the night, one of the ways to reduce heartburn to eat your last meal three to four hours before bedtime. Increase the top your bed or sleeping bag in a specially wedge are other ways to reduce heartburn is that experienced during the night. Overweight people with graerer likely to experience heartburn at night, it may interfere with their sleep, or they can not consciously. The night temperatures heartburn can lead to respiratory problems, such as the acid can be inhaled. If you eat small meals, try to lose weight and above all, safe food for heartburn sufferers in your diet, but you know or believe that you suffer from nighttime heartburn, it is advisable to see your doctor before the problem worse.

All the above recommendations for ways to reduce heartburn assume that a person in otherwise good health. Heartburn is a symptom of more serious diseases, including acid reflux and hiatal hernia. The treatment plans usually even the above-mentioned changes in lifestyle, eating habits and safe food for heartburn sufferers, but also other drugs can recommended.

For more information about heartburn, visit www.digestive-disorders-guide.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Patsy_Hamilton


Heartburn Medications Gives Relief, But Not Cure  

Heartburn is very often, but seriously. Despite the name, heartburn has nothing to do with the heart. Heartburn , also known as pyrosis is a painful or burning sensation in the esophagus, just below the sternum caused by regurgitation of stomach-acid.

Facts about Heart Burn:

  • Heart Burn often rises in the chest and may radiate to the neck, throat, or angle of the jaw.
  • Heart Burn infect 50% of all people at some point.
  • Over 20% of all adults will have heartburn at least once a month.
  • Most people suffer from heartburn occasionally, usually after a meal.
  • Untreated reflux is a major cause of esophagitis and can ruin your health.
  • Heart Burn is also considered one of the causes of chronic cough, asthma and perhaps even imitate.
  • Heart Burn is very often to millions of Americans spend billions of dollars on drugs.

What causes heartburn?

  • certain foodstuffs such as coffee, soda water, cola drinks, alcohol, spicy foods, dry fruits, fatty foods can weaken or relax the sphincter Esophageal Lower City.
  • Certain drugs, smoking and stress can even lead to heartburn.
  • overeating can also cause heartburn because the food overcrowded allows stomach acid to come.

How to heal burn Heart?

You really can cure your heartburn and acid reflux forever. It can be done by drugs. Antacids and H2-receptor antagonists and proton-pump inhibitors are used in the treatment of heartburn on the basis of severity. No drugs can cure heartburn, but it can create the pain for a specified period. However, there are drug-free, fast, safe and natural solution for Heartburn.

But one thing is sure, frequent heartburn could mean a serious condition and you should consult a professional doctor health and healing Heartburn.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Cher_K_Markov


Using A Nature Heartburn Cure  

Heart Burn is a common condition caused by acid from the stomach coming into the esophagus. It is often caused by poor diet food. Curing heartburn can be a variety of means. Many people choose to avoid drugs and cures heartburn by natural means.

Heart Burn is often caused by food to eat, the caffeinated, spicy or fatty acids. It can also be obtained by use of tobacco or a symptom of stress. Heartburn is not a state of the heart, and it is usually not a serious concern in health terms. That is the reason why many people choose to try to heal heartburn by natural treatments.

Since heartburn is usually through food, a natural conclusion to stop heartburn is to find out which foods to trigger heartburn, and then stop to eat the food . This can be done by recording each episode of heartburn with ate the food during these days. After a few episodes of a person is likely to discover what food is the perpetrator. You can then simply avoid the food food.

Other natural cure for heartburn are simple things you can try. You can try to chew on a piece of basil, when heartburn occurs. It is a common method in India, where spicy dishes often heartburn episodes. Sucking on a candy was also noted that in large cure heartburn. If a person is sucking the sweet sip of complaints, they are more likely to help to the acid in the stomach. Peppermint is another herb is thought to help some people. It should be noted, however, that some people may actually peppermint cause heartburn. Rhubarb is also a common heartburn natural healing. Chewing on some rhubarb is a Native American healing. These natural cure for heartburn all try to help you once an attack and are a good alternative to medications.

No regardless of how your treatment of heartburn you should know that the care is important. With a natural healing heartburn is something you can do without the interference of a doctor. However, if your heartburn is severe or occurs too often then you really should see a doctor. Chronic heartburn can run until the end of the esophagus, causing more difficult problems. Also, feel free to try the natural healing and heartburn, if they work for you then that's great, but if they do not seem to help, then you should really doctor advice.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joseph_Then


Finding a Natural Heartburn Cure  

They say one oz prevention is worth a pound of cure. Finding a natural cure heartburn can be more about the causes of acid indigestion heartburn and other digestive problems and efforts to avoid them. Most people have indigestion or heartburn occasionally, people with a healthy diet and lifestyle. And once you have heartburn, you want relief agencies, no matter what the causes of acid indigestion heartburn heartburn were.

A natural healing can be as simple as an antacid. Most over-the-counter remedies have few side effects, but they do not work for all. Some people are allergic to the drugs reduce acid and some people simply prefer herbal remedies. Identifying the specific causes of acid indigestion heartburn in your case may require a little effort, but it is important. Chronic heartburn can lead to more serious conditions such as erosion of the esophagus and even cancer.

The physical causes of acid indigestion heartburn known. It occurs when stomach acid flows back into the esophagus, the tube that carries food from your mouth to your stomach. It is not known why some people have heartburn and others do not. There are many causes of acid indigestion heartburn. Some are more serious than others. Changes in lifestyle may be necessary, is a natural heartburn cure. For example, smokers have more heartburn than non-smokers. Smoking dries the mouth and oesophagus. Nicotine relaxes the muscles, which normally prevent acid from the stomach and reaching the oesophagus. Since smoking is one of the causes of acid indigestion heartburn, smoking may be your natural heartburn cure.

No matter, the causes of heartburn, acid indigestion, the treatment is important. The lining of the esophagus is not as tough as the lining of the stomach, this is the reason why chronic heartburn can lead to the erosion of the lining of the esophagus. Prevention and treatment of heartburn protects the esophagus from further harm, but sometimes drugs are necessary to promote healing, when damage already done so. Sometimes a natural cure heartburn is not enough. Other symptoms such as sore throat, which is apparently unrelated to heartburn may come. It may be necessary to consult an ear, nose and throat specialist, even if you no longer experience these symptoms heartburn.

For only occasionally, especially if the causes of acid indigestion heartburn related to the food spicy, fried or acidic foods, there are many herbs and vegetable matter, which may be helpful. For instance, some believe, fennel is a natural heartburn cure. You probably have some in your spice rack mills. You can create a soothing tea with one or two teaspoons fennel seeds in eight ounces of water. Drinking tea provides relief for some people. Another herb generally recommended heartburn natural healing is peppermint. They are often seen, peppermint oil as an ingredient in over-the-counter drugs. Some doctors recommend eating peppermint or coins of all kinds can bring on heartburn in some people. It is often helpful to a food diary for a few months, notes, which seem to bring food in and heartburn remedies are helping. The causes of acid indigestion and heartburn effective remedies seem to differ individuals.

If you like rhubarb, chewing on a piece is considered a natural healing of some heartburn. Rhubarb, when the season comes in many shops. It is quite easy to grow, but even if you have a garden, but do not hold well and has a very short season. You can chop it and freeze, chewing on a piece if necessary. Rhubarb by Indians as a remedy to help heartburn and indigestion.

Plant enzymes are becoming increasingly popular to help heartburn and other complaints digestive tract. The typical American diet is too high in fat and too little in plant foods. Eating more vegetables (with the exception of the tomatoes are very acidic), a preventive and natural heartburn cure Poor diet is of the view that one of the causes of acid indigestion heartburn. Dietary changes are usually recommended, even if the drugs to prevent heartburn.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Patsy_Hamilton


Can Heartburn Drugs Cause Oeteoporosis?  

According become a major medical study in England, was due to heartburn and acid reflux, researchers found that proton pump inhibitors such as Nexium, Prilosec and Prev Acid exposed millions of users on the increased risk of osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a condition in which your bones weaken and then graerer likely to break. If left untreated, osteoporosis can progress painlessly until a bone breaks.

Any bone in your body can be affected, but a special concern are fractures of the hip and spine. A hip or spine fracture almost always requires hospitalization and major surgery. It can affect a person's ability to walk without assistance and can cause permanent disability or even death.

The study showed these drugs "inhibit the natural absorption of calcium from foods such as milk and cheese, a known source of calcium. Some people are allergic to dairy products and even more people, lactose intolerance, so that they are not able to consume dairy products. However, there are many other good food sources of calcium such as kelp, Wakame and hijiki, nuts and seeds (such as almonds and sesame); blackstrap molasses, beans, oranges, Amaranth; Collard greens, okra; Swede, broccoli, dandelion leaves; Kale; And fortified products such as orange juice.

Calcium is essential, muscle contraction, egg activation, bones and teeth, blood clotting, nerve impulse transmission, to regulate your heart beat, and fluid balance within cells. It is a fact that between 50% and 75% of adults not enough calcium in their diet. Adults need a daily dose of 1000 to 1300 mg calcium.

When the body can not absorb enough calcium from our diet, the mineral leech it requires our teeth and bones put them in a weakened state. Once our bones begin their exhaustion calcium, we have committed ourselves to "osteoporosis" and the increased risk of hip and other bone fractures, such as the wrist.

Hip fractures in the elderly often lead to life - threatening complications. Physicians should be convinced that their patients have a good reason to stay on heartburn drugs long term, said the study co-author Dr. Yu-Xiao Yang of the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine.

The study went on to explain that the H2 blockers such as Tagamet and Pepcid also have a similar but slightly smaller risk of osteoporosis causes people to develop them by the possibility of hip and other bone fractures. People have all these drugs more than one year have a 44% higher risk of hip fractures than non-users of heartburn medications.

Millions of people around the world are in danger, although women are four times more likely than men to develop the condition. Yes, it is true that men also suffer from osteoporosis and put themselves at risk for hip, spine or wrist fractures.

Heartburn drug manufacturers put an insert in your package of drugs, which states quite clearly, in most cases that these meds are be taken only for a short period of time. This period is usually two weeks, not for the rest of your life, as some doctors are saying.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=William_Lagadyn

Natural Remedy For Heartburn Made More Powerful By Food Journal  

If you suffer from heartburn, you may be surprised to learn that a regelmaige use of a journal could help you more than any medicine. The most effective natural remedy for heartburn is easy to avoid foods that cause heartburn. A food business magazine can help you to follow what you eat and how different foods affect. Recording your experience in a food journal is an excellent way to model to your heartburn, you might otherwise miss.

Many people find that in general, magazines are a good way for them to the disorder in their brains and keep their feelings , Thoughts and emotions. With the creation of a summary of the experience every day with food in a food magazine, you can develop an important advantage for the inspection of food to eat without difficulties and the food, heartburn avoid.

It 's easy to Remember some general food groups, which tend to cause heartburn. But if you try to remember specific foods or food categories combinations, the prosecution of foods to avoid is much more complicated. Keeping a food journal can help, because you do not have to devote active memory of these tasks, you just have to write you exactly what you ate and how you felt afterwards.

The general categories of foods to avoid heartburn, spicy food, Citrus fruits and juices, foods with high acid levels, dairy products and foods with high fat content. I do not know about you, but the list is already taxing my memory a bit. If you are in different categories of beverages (alcoholic drinks, carbonated beverages, and anything with caffeine), my head starts to hurt. Just think what would happen if the combination of groups in food or restaurants to a restaurant.

Once you get a couple of weeks worth of entries in your food journal, you will begin to build a long list of foods heartburn avoid. This is also on your way to implementing provisions of a natural remedy for heartburn. Knowing which foods you eat can certainly give you more confidence to try new things.

Compiling a list of foods, especially cause heartburn, organized under the general categories of foods to avoid heartburn, is reason enough to a food journal. "But there is another reason why keeping a food journal, you benefit in the long run.

You see the problem with the short list of general food categories in connection with heartburn is that the list is not entirely accurate for each heartburn sufferer . Especially when you consider how the general food categories actually are.

Trying control your symptoms of heartburn use of the general list of foodstuffs is bound to be difficult. Some foods on the short list does not give you any trouble at all, while other food could not be mentioned some of the worst heartburn triggers for you. With a food journal allows you to much more precise and successful in the implementation of a natural remedy for heartburn.

Armed with this kind of information, there is a good chance you can avoid heartburn for good.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Art_Turner


Heartburn Cures - Drugs or Natural Aids  


Should drugs or natural resources such as heartburn cures? It may be a little obvious, but you can continue to use pharmaceutical drugs and other over-the-counter antacid remedies as short-term heartburn treatments. But if you do not like to prescription drugs, you have the possibility of the use of natural medicines. Through the use of alternatives such as natural cures heartburn, you work with your body systems, rather than to block or inhibit your body's natural processes.

While many doctors still do not agree or are not convinced of the benefits of the use of natural Remedies such as heartburn treatments, a growing number of heartburn sufferers are turning to them. These people are with the natural healing heartburn either as a backup solution or the primary treatment method if drugs are not to work for their type of heartburn. The choice of heartburn to use the healing really comes to you. But there are some things you should be aware so that you can make a more informed decision on cures.

Using heartburn drugs are easy to use as heartburn treatments in an emergency or as a short-term solution. However, if they have a long period of time, they can be many side effects. You can also lower your body's tolerance to the drug. Moreover, drugs are not really heartburn treatments, because they do not stop your heartburn from recurring. As they wear, May your stomach secrete more stomach acid than usual. Start with natural resources such as heartburn treatments. If it does not work, try the medications.

There are many natural remedies heartburn help that many people to alleviate their complaints in a short time. You can find many of these cures heartburn by simply a search for "cures heartburn" on Google. It is important to read with discrimination, though. What a person may not be the right remedy for heartburn you.

Be safe and consult your doctor if you take drugs, the interaction with heartburn natural healing methods. To not on board trying any heartburn treatments. Often, in the case of heartburn, a pound of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Perhaps one of the best cures heartburn is simply the avoidance of extra hot chili that always gives you heartburn.

In other words, you hear your body is one of the best cures heartburn. Pay attention to the foods that trigger discomfort and can be avoided or at least reduced to this in the future. There are several books on the market, outline how successful cures heartburn. A little homework to cures heartburn can go a long way to relief.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Chris_Wells


Acid Reflux Disease - The Truth About Heartburn  

It is a coming together of two medical conditions which cause acid reflux disease or GERD - gastro-esophageal reflux disease cancer, as it is known. The reverse flow of food and acid from the stomach into the esophagus is the first prerequisite for acid reflux disease. However, the return can happen in healthy individuals, but also when it referred to as "physiological gastroesophageal reflux" and not always symptoms of acid reflux disease or changes in the organic tissues.

The second factor encouraging acid reflux is a malfunction of the LES , The lower esophageal sphincter cancer. The LES is a circle of muscles as a valve between the esophagus and the stomach, measuring 3-4 cm, approximately two to three times thicker than the proximal esophagus. In cases of acid reflux disease, stomach contents back into the esophagus, because the LES ordnungsgema not closed. This is acid reflux disease when the symptoms of the disease follow.

Heartburn then the burning sensation in the chest or throat when stomach contents back in the lining of the esophagus. The usual sensation of acid reflux disease is persistent (every 3 days or more) heartburn. Occasional heartburn is so good and does not necessarily mean acid reflux disease, as light reflux may also impact on individuals in good health health.

Some say they feel foods, a choking sensation or tightness in the neck. It is the continued reflux of stomach contents into contact with the esophagus that causes this, and the result is a swelling of the esophagus because of scars histological damage. Other patients with acid reflux disease may also feel chest pain or suffer from nausea, coughing, burning pain in the chest, hoarseness in the morning, lasting earaches, sinusitis, voice changes or problems swallowing complaints (particularly food lumpy),

Some patients may develop a condition known as Barrett's esophagus, where cells in the esophageal cancer feed on abnormal shapes and colors. Especially for adults over 60 years old, this is a first step leading to esophageal cancer. Other effects include narrowing of the esophagus, ulcers, bleeding and cramps. When the stomach acid is in the trachea and not just the upper esophagus, several serious diseases such as sinusitis, asthma, and lung inflammation may occur. Acid reflux disease, which can not be dealt with serious consequences, in health.

Surgery, medical therapy and holistic therapy are the three options for the treatment of acid reflux disease. The latter includes diet and lifestyle changes and the use of certain herbal supplements. EPI and H2 blockers are among the medical facilities in case of acid reflux disease. Although medication can be prescribed or acid blockers like these, remember that the results are sometimes no more than temporary and that conventional medicine can cause serious side effects. The use of surgery requires very careful consideration, such as certain challenges, such as narrowing and diseases of the muscle contraction, can complicated.

Acid reflux disease, seen from a holistic perspective, is a warning for an internal imbalance in the consequence that must be correctly handled. For this reason, alternative medicine such as herbal medicine, changes in lifestyle, homeopathic remedies as integral components of a complete schedule are clear recommendation for heartburn sufferers.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jeff_Martin