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Heartburn or pyrosis is a painful or burning sensation in the esophagus, just below the breastbone caused by regurgitation of gastric acid. The pain often rises in the chest and may radiate to the neck, throat, or angle of the jaw. Heartburn is also identified as one of the causes of chronic cough, and may even mimic asthma. Despite its name, heartburn actually has nothing to do with the heart. It is so called because of a burning sensation of the breastbone where the heart is located although some heart problems do have a similar sensation to heartburn. Compounding the confusion is the fact that hydrochloric acid from the stomach comes back up the esophagus because of a problem with the cardiac sphincter, a valve which misleadingly contains the word "cardiac" (an adjective referring to the heart) in its name.

Getting Heartburn Relief  

Antacids are great for providing fast relief of heartburn symptoms. They work directly into the stomach to reduce the acidity of the reflux of the liquid irritating oesophagus. In addition to help neutralize the area inside the esophagus. If antacids and a foaming combined to produce a foam barrier in the stomach. This barrier is hanging over the contents of the stomach acid prevent splashing into the esophagus.

Keep in mind that this schaumbildenden or antacids not cure or prevent complications oesophagitis of acid reflux. Some other drugs can actually aggravate acid reflux symptoms. For this reason, it is very important to let your doctor know about everything you can taking.

Long-term use of antacids can cause some side effects. Some may also diarrhoea or constipation. Others may be that an increase in kidney stones. Antacids, the absorption of certain medications, so you have these other drugs for about an hour before taking the antacids is recommended. When using antacids for a longer period, a doctor should consulted.

H2 receptor antagonists help inhibit gastric acid secretion. They are also known as H2 blockers. They work in about thirty minutes and lasts up to eight hours. There are over the counter H2-blockers and prescription H2-blockers. The over-the-counter version does not relieve symptoms as quickly as antacids, but they last much longer. You can start slowly, but to reduce acid reflux for a much longer time.

H2 blockers have been the traditional drug treatment in acid reflux, because many of them can be an effective short-term therapy resistant to acid reflux symptoms. For many, these drugs twice a day, the elimination of symptoms. For example, 150 mg ranitidine, was noted as esophagitis healing within six weeks for some.

When taking these drugs as treatment, one must remember that high doses are more effective than standard doses, although it is twice a day more effective than taking it once a day and H2 blockers are usually less expensive than other medications.

The lower dose, over-the-counter version of these drugs is to control the occasional occurrence of heartburn. Some of them are ranitidine (75mg), Nizatidine (75mg) and famotidine (10mg). It will take longer to act as antacids, but they will provide relief much longer.

A few other popular drugs on the market Tagamet HB and Zantac 75th In addition, newer drugs are available, the claim that actually help heal the damage. Consultation with your doctor will provide the appropriate facts to help you, an educated decision. What Tagamet (cimetidine), the prescribed dose is usually 300 mg three times daily for three to six weeks. Many people experience positive results after only two to four weeks. What Zantac (ranitidine HCI), the prescribed dose is usually 150 mg twice a day for four to six weeks depending on the individual response. Sometimes, a single dose of 300 mg before bedtime recommended. Even if these two drugs can buy over the counter at a lower dose, in consultation with a doctor is very recommended.


Michael Russell
Your Independent guide to Acid Reflux

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michael_Russell

Warning - Lifestyle Change Needed - Overcome Heartburn  

When most people think the treatment of a disease they usually think some

scientific, medical or surgical treatment. It is the mentality of "take

two aspirin and call me in the morning ". We pop a pill, go to sleep and everything

should be OK. Is this the answer? It all depends on what you suffer

but there are certain conditions which can be treated with a change of lifestyle

as easy as they can be treated with medicine or surgery. Gastroosophageale

reflux disease (GERD) is one such condition.

So why go to change before lifestyle medicine?

It is simple, because most

drugs is a short-term cure for the problem by either neutralized or

reducing the amount of acid the stomach produces. A change of lifestyle is a

"healing" on the long-term - perhaps even permanently. The lifestyle change

necessary for acid reflux sufferers is a change of diet. Different people react

to various foods and you are what you eat, after all!

How you Sleep

This is the first area to consider when treating your acid reflux.

If you sleep flat on your stomach acid can work his way back to

your gullet. So instead of sleeping bag perfectly flat try an extra

pillow or two of you as you sleep. This is, the body in a more

upright position, which in turn keeps your stomach acid where it belongs --


Big your meals are Bad

Eating food is one of life easier and more pleasant

pleasure. The traditional big family meal is something we are all looking forward to

at the end of each day. As soon as we can do retire to another room and relax after

in the evening. This is the worst possible to move any acid reflux sufferer. You

must eat smaller meals and more often - your digestive system a chance

catch up and actually digest the food. If not, then expect any heartburn


Foods To Avoid

Avoid chocolate, cola drinks, peppermints, citrus fruit,

much milk and alcohol. These were all proved to have an irritating effect

at the lower esophageal sphincter cancer and stomach. �bermaig fatty acids

food and smoking should also be examined, or eliminated. Most smokers are

be familiar with the sour taste and feeling in her stomach most days - if you

can think that they imagine what it looks like on the inside. Oddly chewing gum

can be a positive "junk" food in your acid reflux diet. The additional saliva,

The body produces while chewing can prevent attacks from acid reflux as your

saliva has an active antacids in it.

So if you suffer from acid reflux may not reach for the antacid bottle

each time you heartburn. Why not consider reviewing your diet and

the great change that your body will tell you what you need?


Jill Seimer helps others by writing at RefluxLife.com covering on healthy natural lifestyle. Recently she discussed natural healing for acid reflux from her experience on acid reflux disorder symptoms.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jill_Seimer


Stop Heartburn The Natural Way  

I confess that when I start to get heartburn, my first reaction is to reach for the antacids, but you know there is a better way. This article is about to stop, like heartburn in a natural way and covers what you need to consider whether in the light of fighting heartburn without medication.

The first thing we should look at life style. Lifestyle is a big word, and it covers everything from what and when we eat, the type and frequency of each exercise we take to stress, relationships, smoking and drinking. To stop heartburn is the natural way we not only need to look at food though, but it is where we start.

Ok, let's break it down. More than 90 percent of people get heartburn as a result of eating a particular food, and it is not always the same food. Some foods are good for one person, but very bad for the others. Do not worry, everything will be lost if not. We have some familiar foods, which are usually associated with heartburn and digestive disorders, and that would be a great place to intervene in our efforts to stop the heartburn natural way.

Foods are known to cause heartburn and digestive disorders usually contain a Quantity of fat or protein and include;

* full fat dairy products

* Coffee and tea

* citrus

* carbon dioxide drinks

You need not be to stop all these today, but you may want to experiment a little and try to avoid them one after the other for a few days at a time to see whether the avoidance of one of them You can help stop the natural heartburn way.

In truth, most of us know exactly which foods will give us heartburn, we simply do not like to admit. But in addition to help us stop heartburn in a natural way, reducing or eliminating these irritable foods is likely to improve your overall physical well-being. Stop heartburn obviously not much better than that.

Still about nutrition, part of your Grae can affect whether you heartburn. If you eat too much at a time when your body does not get a chance to digest food before it reaches your stomach. This means that your stomach, overtime, and this can lead to ebermaige amount of stomach acid produced, and thus heartburn.

So if you want to stop heartburn in a natural way as far as food is concerned, eat small servings of the Right Stuff and you will naturally rid of heartburn in no time.


Peter Coughlin writes on health and food related issues for various ezines, websites and publications.

For more information about curing heartburn and indigestion please visit his curing heartburn and indigestion website.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Peter_Coughlin


Is Your Frenzied Lifestyle the Cause of Heartburn?  

What points, the cause of heartburn in a hectic lifestyle?

Poor eating habits - There are several elements which contribute to bad eating habits. The first is eating a diet rich in foods which have a direct link to acid reflux (IE fatty foods, prepackaged foods high in additives and preservatives, alcohol, coffee, tea. Etc..). Unfortunately, many of these foods provide the nutritional regelmaige the top of a hectic lifestyle.

To things even worse, those who by their busy schedule tend to --
� -- Direct meals
� -- Eat in unregelmaigen times

- Ingest graere portions when they eat

- Rush their food

- are physically active after eating

Each these poor eating habits can be hard on your stomach. For example, large portions of food creates a distended stomach is full, that of food. These places pressure on the lower esophageal sphincter cancer (LES). This pressure can cause stomach acid to travel back into the esophagus to acid reflux, which can lead to the use heartburn.

Tobacco - Tobacco acid reflux may be a greater problem. Nicotine is deposited on the back of the throat and can corrode the esophageal cancer feed. In addition, tobacco also inhibits saliva production. Saliva is one of the body's natural defences against damage to the esophageal cancer lining.

Poor sleeping bag habits - Lack of sleep can increase stress, and leads to the use of more caffeine stimulants such as tea, coffee and soda, can increase the risk of acid Reflux. In addition, eating before bedtime slows digestion. Other habits, sleep disorders can cause heartburn includes sleeping bag without the correct amount of your head (less than 6 inches) and lie on their backs or stomach.

Stress - Although stress is not directly cause acid reflux, it promotes the condition. The reason is that stress triggers, bad habits such as eating fatty acids "comfort food", smoking, drinking alcohol and eating late at night. In addition, stress has been known to increase pain sensitivity.

Medications - There are a number of drugs, based on the LES and the direct cause of heartburn. Some of these medicines are -

- Tricyclic antidepressants - d.h. amitriptvlline

- NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) - IE aspirin, ibuprofen

- Sedatives and muscle relaxants

To insult to injury, these drugs not only aggravate the esophageal cancer feed, they include many people without drinking a full glass of water or lie down right after. These measures can increase acid reflux risk. It also reiterates the antacids to cure your heartburn can lead to negative side effects, including headaches and stomach distress (IE nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and constipation) .

Here are three ways to effectively reduce the recurrence of acid reflux in your hectic lifestyle -

1. Check your diet and do not rush through meals - instead Skipping meals, eating out, or the prepackaged dinner, do you eat small portions of the day. Take the time to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner and not rush through your food. Also, enter 20 minutes after you eat to digest. Drinking water can also help aid in digestion.

2. Give up bad habits - If you smoke, drink alcohol regularly, drink ebermaige quantities of carbonated beverages or those that contain caffeine, it is time to reduce or prevent these practices completely.

3. Reduce stress - inclusion in regelmaigen small influence such as hiking, swimming and cycling. Make sure that you are a "good sleep and taking the time to enjoy activities like.

Despite how hectic your life may seem, it is imperative that you are an effort to identify elements in your lifestyle, the lead the heartburn.


By Kathryn Whittaker: For more great tips on reducing heartburn naturally sign up for the free newsletter, which looks at the many and varied cause of heartburn possibilities. On the site you'll also find more about the different kinds of acid reflux treatments and whether an acid reflux diet will help.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kathryn_Whittaker


Natural Treatment for Heartburn  

Heartburn happens to people once in a while, and keeping it away or reduce its presence requires a certain degree of discipline and determination. After all, even the most effective natural treatment of heartburn amounts to nothing if the simplest tips are not properly followed and religiously.

For starters, the right to eat is the first commandment to remember. Food with blunt shaped or rough edges are on the touch must be avoided because they may cause minor wounds, as they emerge from the mouth and stomach in revenue. These foods damage to the lower esophageal sphincter cancer, and as such must avoided.

Alcoholic beverages, including beer, wine and gin, even accelerate and worsen heartburns. A real natural heartburn treatment only works if people refrain from alcoholic drinks and other acidic drinks, both natural (such as orange and lemon juices) and artificial (for example, carbonated beverages) .

Spicy food is also known to predict the likelihood of heartburn . It is the third important step in a natural treatment for heartburn is to amend the various foods in the diet and completely avoid both spicy and sour food.

Smoking can be bad for other health reasons, but it is also important to clean and if you to stop smoking. The natural treatment of heartburn requires not only put an end to smoking, but also to avoid food and drinks, the caffeine. Less than coffee is unerlalich to successfully apply the provisions of this treatment.

The fifth to remember, while the natural treatment of heartburn is in progress is too slow and completely chew food. This is an extremely important aspect of this treatment. Choose foods that are easy to chew and swallow (like mash potatoes and scrambled eggs) and easily digestible food. Otherwise, prepare to chew food highly structured very well. This will help the body naturally go to companies treatment of heartburn as part of their normal processes of maintaining the body healthy.

These tips can easily remember, but it is also easy to go in the middle of treatment. As such self-control and discipline are very important. The natural treatment of heartburn lasts as long as necessary for a single person. Those who quickly treated, those are the following tips, and can only physiological and heartburn inclined to heal faster. Once cured, the person is back to normal eating, but also in moderation. Others may take longer for treatment to become effective, particularly if damage was in the process of repeating heartburns.

Do not suffer any longer. Come to my health blog and discover some simple effective natural treatments for heartburn today!


Davion is a successful webmaster, author and healthy lifestyle advocate. Discover more effective and natural heartburn treatments and how you can cure your heartburn easily and naturally from home at http://Natural-Heartburn-Treatments.blogspot.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Davion_Wong