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Heartburn or pyrosis is a painful or burning sensation in the esophagus, just below the breastbone caused by regurgitation of gastric acid. The pain often rises in the chest and may radiate to the neck, throat, or angle of the jaw. Heartburn is also identified as one of the causes of chronic cough, and may even mimic asthma. Despite its name, heartburn actually has nothing to do with the heart. It is so called because of a burning sensation of the breastbone where the heart is located although some heart problems do have a similar sensation to heartburn. Compounding the confusion is the fact that hydrochloric acid from the stomach comes back up the esophagus because of a problem with the cardiac sphincter, a valve which misleadingly contains the word "cardiac" (an adjective referring to the heart) in its name.

What Causes Heartburn  

Otherwise healthy people often wonder what the causes of heartburn are when burning sensations are felt in the chest, especially when lying or bending forward. This feeling starts from the sternum and appears on the journey along the neck and throat. Often times, patients will complain that the contents of the stomach - food and liquids - seem to be heading back. You can also report a sour or bitter taste in the mouth during a heartburn episode.

The most common causes heartburn for the food and drinks, during a meal. More than 90% of heartburn or acid reflux sufferers can testify to this fact. To understand what kinds of foods or beverages have a higher probability of contributing to heartburn goes a long way to either prevent or minimize the pain and discomfort. Controlling the inclusion of these foods and beverages can it be that the conditions of the recurring painful future.

The LES "(lower esophageal sphincter cancer) function is to make the stomach contents from the esophagus. Caffeinated beverages such as coffee and tea tend to Relaxation of the LES. The LES is relaxed, it does not keep all of the stomach contents intact. Some of the acidic content push back into the esophagus lead to the burning sensation of heartburn.

Apart of caffeinated beverages, alcoholic drinks and foods such as chocolate, Citrus fruits, tomatoes and tomato-based products are also major causes of heartburn. Relax similar to the LES and the resulting acid reflux Sears walls esophageal cancer cause heartburn. In addition, fatty foods and the effects of smoking weakening of the LES and the loss of pressure Some causes of acid content to flee into the esophagus - again caused heartburn.

Heartburn a medical point of view

The LES is a crucial factor in the debate on the causes of heartburn. The LES ordnungsgema work, the valve opens short-term, if food and drink come from the top of the esophagus. The LES is affected it does not remain the entire contents of the stomach in. This condition is known as GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) by doctors. The people suffer from GERD can lead to different levels of unease. While there are several factors that can trigger heartburn, these factors can contribute to the ebermaige production of acid in the stomach. Coupled with a weak LES and suspension of the stomach to additional burdens - dressing in tight clothes or lying immediately after heavy meals - can bring on heartburn. In summary, the causes of heartburn are largely dependent on food, nutrition and way of life choices.

Many cure for Heart Burn without readily available

Humans were searching for a cure for heartburn since ancient times. This common disease has often been treated with natural remedies to succeeding generations. sensible lifestyle choices in relation to food and beverage selections and combinations and when heavy meals can be taken to reduce the incidence of heartburn. Although the occasional heartburn is discomforting and largely harmless, chronically sick, have medical attention.

A common and natural cure for heartburn is fennel tea. The relief from heartburn by fennel tea consumption should be made very quickly. fennel is also an important factor in many developed drugs for the treatment of heartburn.

No the only cure for heartburn is valid for all patients. The patients tend to respond differently to a variety of drugs - some medication for some and not for others. Some experiments under medical guidance might be necessary to create a cure for heartburn. While the medical possibilities be considered, it would be some changes in lifestyle habits. These changes will not cure heartburn, but they will minimize the beginning and intensity of heartburn.

Discovering a cure for heartburn can also understand the reason for the heartburn and efforts to avoid this solves. Make sure that you are not allergic to reduce acid drugs, with a Antacid can be a simple cure for heartburn.

What the typical American now consumes in food-laden unhealthy fats and low in plant fibers. A diet rich in leafy vegetables and the prevention of tomatoes are very acidic, can be a simple cure for heartburn. Dietary changes have proved useful in the treatment of heartburn. In conjunction with appropriate relief from heartburn medication can achieved.


Cindy Heller is a professional writer. Visit herbal heartburn remedies to learn more about natural cure for heartburn and foods that cause heartburn.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Cindy_Heller


Natural Remedy For Heartburn - Decoding The Symptoms  

Before beginning any treatment for a health complaint, you have to examine and analyze the symptoms. With heartburn, this is generally simple but you must be careful. There are many natural remedies for heartburn available, once you have positively identified the condition. So, if you feel an attack coming on, consider the following factors:

The first thing you have to remember is that heartburn is a symptom. It is the result of acid reflux - stomach contents backing in the actual esophagus.

The symptom known as heartburn is a sharp, burning sensation below the sternum and ribs. This is the area where the heart - hence the name. So heartburn is in many ways similar to the symptoms of heart failure trouble.

In heartburn, the pain usually occurs after meals. The feeling may rise significantly to the neck and lead to a bitter or sour taste. For a heart problem, the pain spreads to one or both arms, back, stomach, neck or jaw. It may be accompanied by a shortness and palpitations.

If you have any doubts about the cause of your pain in the chest, treat them as emergency and get in the hospital.

While for most of us, heartburn is a condition to us, and again after eating too much or eat the wrong things, for some, it is a chronic condition known as GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). One problem is that many sufferers do not know it. Eighty percent of the symptoms of heartburn sufferers in the night and many people are not fully woken up by the symptoms.

One way to know if you suffer from GERD at night is that you have a bitter, sour taste in the mouth in the morning. Other symptoms include fatigue during the day and a chronic cough, often wakes you up at night. Sore throat or hoarseness are also warning signs.

If you have any of these symptoms should see your doctor, as night-time heartburn carries special risk of cancer. Also extended acid reflux can cause a number of unpleasant complications such as painful swallowing, Laryngitis, bad breath and read your symptoms earache.

So good. Then act. There are many natural remedies available for heartburn, not only alleviate the symptoms, but also addressing the underlying causes of the disease leads to a permanent cure.


You don't have to suffer the pain of heartburn. Visit: http://hubpages.com/hub/Natural-Heartburn-Remedies

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lloyd_Morgan


Simple Tips For Preventing Heartburn  

Heartburn affects millions of people worldwide. An interesting debate recently proposed that in many cases the occurrence of heartburn would have been easier if the people only some general precautions.

Preventing Heartburn

Okay, heartburn preventive measures may not apply so much to the chronically ill, will most likely be under medical supervision. But for those people who suffer from heartburn once or twice a week, there are areas of your life judge. Here is a simple checklist:

1. In Essen is a no go zone, if heartburn plays are part of your life on a weekly basis. Cut down to smaller meals and take care not to eat close to bedtime. The recommended time frame is usually three hours.

2. Perform a self-analysis on you. Are you overweight? Can you afford to shed a few extra pounds? This will certainly play a role in rid heartburn as a factor in your life.

3. Not many people recognize closely fitting clothing can be associated with heartburn attack. Think about it, if you love into a pair of jeans two Graen below what you would normally wear and heartburn is a common factor, then a Grae or two. Pressure on the stomach is the last thing you want doing.

4. Food and beverage intake is often associated with heartburn. The determination of what types of food or beverages seems to correlate with an attack is important. The "old diehards" like spicy food and alcohol and caffeine are always Prime Suspects, while smoking is another no-go zone eliminated.

5. Many people report a connection with their sleeping styles and heartburn. Whether it's the rest, as their heads in their pillows, which may be too high or too low or the way they actually lay in bed, can have it on the back, side or even stomachs. If you find that attacks seem to occur during those instances try raising your pillow or different to what you normally do.

Can the necessary adjustments?

Simple heartburn prevention methods may prove beneficial for a lot of people, but one of the graten "bug bear" for preventive specialists is to people to take action. Going through an episode is not fun; those of us who have experienced that terrible, nauseating and painful burning sensation can testify to this. Your thoughts turn mainly to discuss it as soon as possible and if you do, you will swear the spicy dishes forever, otherwise you will never again touch coffee or you have your last drop of alcohol. But do you?

Getting people to make lifestyle changes must be one of the most difficult tasks in the world, especially for the medical profession. Where heartburn prevention, major changes in lifestyle are not required, but more so, minor adjustments. If you are not a chronic sufferer, you could almost "Kiss heartburn goodbye" in your life.


Dean Caporella is a professional broadcaster. Try these simple tips on preventing heartburn. Improve your quality of life with the latest heartburn and reflux news and reviews at: http://www.heartburnandyou.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dean_Caporella


Difference Between Indigestion and Heartburn  

Acid reflux, heartburn and digestive disorders are a good many people considered the same condition. If you ask people on the street, how many times he has heartburn and indigestion, they are often the answer is "they are not the same thing?" The truth is, they are very different nature. Severe digestive disorders can cause heartburn heartburn can not lead to digestive disorders. The symptoms and causes of digestive disorders are similar and many of the treatment options for both indigestion and heartburn are the same.

The the main causes of digestive disorders is, of course, food. How much you eat and what you eat, is an attack of digestive disorders. Large meals are probably the most common cause of indigestion, but also a small meal or spicy food acid in an attack. Another cause of digestive disorders can unregelmaige to eat meals or one or two large meals per day. This lack of routine allowed to build acid in the stomach with nothing to digest. Food 4 or 5 smaller meals per day solves this problem and give you more energy than good. Just be sure to eat at the same time every day and after about 3 days, your body will adapt and expect a meal on that date. Only then will they produce the acid to digest the meal. This is all extra stomach acid was caused that you indigestion.

Stress and anxiety associated with meals can also lead to the excess acid production. During this time constraining world with all its pressure it is not all that easy to reduced stress. However, there are a few tricks you can to reduce the burden associated with meals. Especially when you are in an office situation does not eat in your office. No matter where you work, try to remove itself from the stressful environment. This may mean an easy walk to another place to your food. The walk should be a leisurely pace and, if possible, outside in a quiet envrionment. Try not to eat in a restaurant employs, because it can also be a place of stress. Once your food is not take it back to the site. Find a quiet place to sit and eat food in a measured or slow pace. This may be hard at first, but a simple technique is to chew each mouthful of food ten times before swallowing. When you have finished your meal, take your time back to your office or construction site. You will be amazed at how much this relieve your digestive disorders, stress and anxiety A side effect of this routine is that you will find that you can to save your work more efficiently.

Indigestion may be made by both prescribed medicines and over the counter. Even aspirin can cause stomach distress if they are wrong. If the label for each drug you will find the best time to make the medicine. Often you will read, "take with food" on the label. Good food is eaten ordnungsgema buffer affects the fears of the stomach in connection with drugs. If you have questions, you should consult your medical professional.

Indigestion as you can see, has many causes. But the good news is that they can be controlled or even eliminated by simple changes in lifestyle. Failure to address the root causes of digestive disorders can lead you to develop a more serious condition such as acid reflux, heartburn or GERD (stomach cancer, esophageal reflux disease). Not to ignore symptoms and address it now before it's too late.


James Kesel, MS. is the publisher of Acid Reflux Heartburn Cure. If you need additional information on GERD, Acid Reflux Disease, Heartburn, Heartburn Medication, Gastric Reflux or Acid Reflux Disorder visit us at http://www.heartburnscures.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jim_Kesel


Discover Why Heartburn and Upset Stomach Have Become Big Business!  

While watch TV or listen to the radio in recent times have you noticed that there's more advertising for heartburn relief? The reason is because more Americans suffer from heartburn and stomach complaints nausea than ever before. It is a huge market for heartburn relief, because our lifestyles are more stressful and we we eat foods that are not healthy for our bodies.

Although most cases of heartburn and nausea, the episodic or those who only occasionally happens, as harmless, these people suffer from chronic heartburn and nausea may be suffering from some serious conditions such as acid reflux.

There are a number of reasons why people in the United States suffer from heartburn and nausea. The main cause for this condition is the dietary habits and lifestyle of Americans. According to studies, there are certain foods, of course, increase the risk of a person to have heartburn and nausea. Eating foods such as chocolate, peppermint, citrus fruit, spicy and fatty foods, raw onions and those that are very much vinegar in him would risk that heartburn.

Furthermore the consumption of a large part of food would lead to frequent heartburn and Nausea, stomach How would secrete more acid to handle all food faster. Food maig therefore would help reduce the possibility of suffering from heartburn to meal.

When it comes to drinks and beverages, alcoholic beverages and those containing caffeine could lead to heartburn and nausea. Beverages that contain alcohol or caffeine, would cause irritation of the stomach and trigger the acid from the stomach rising up into the esophagus causing the burning sensation. On the other hand, citrus fruit juices, which may contain large amounts of acids, could also trigger heartburn and nausea. According to experts, the acid content in citrus fruits could be bad for sensitive stomach too.

The lifestyle of Americans also contributes significantly to the increase in the number of people in the United States experience heartburn and nausea every month. Studies show that stress is one of the key factors that could cause heartburn and nausea. If a person is stressed, the acid excretes more acid in the stomach and cause irritation. To avoid suffering from this condition, a simple change of habits would do the trick.


Stop suffering from heartburn and to get heartburn relieftry visiting http://www.myheartburnrelief.org where you will find tips and tricks for frequent heartburn, heartburn during pregnancy, natural remedy for heartburn, and if you want heartburn reliefheartburn relief for good.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Chris_Woodall


Fire in the Hole - Heartburn, Throat Examinations and X-rays  

Diagnosing acid reflux is not an easy thing. It is difficult to follow, even for the most
experienced doctor or hospital consultant. The fact remains, however, that
trials, which is precisely diagnose whether you actually have
acid reflux in the first place. This takes the form of X-rays and tests
the throat and larynx.

Before modern medicine had the convenience of using cameras can be swallowed
(endoscopes) The world of medicine to things like X-rays to test
for the presence of acid reflux. A esophagram, or an x-ray
the oesophagus, requires the patient to swallow barium (a metallic substance similar to
calcium), would be a contrasting colors to reduce differences in
the lining of the esophagus. During this test seems to be sound in principle
not take into account people who suffered from acid reflux, but showed no
damage to the lining of the esophagus. Based on this point
correct diagnosis of acid reflux with barium X-rays can be very limited.

Another way for doctors to the identity of the existence of acid reflux is to employ the same process
of ENT (ear nose throat) doctors in the examination
the throat or larynx (voice). Through the use of acid-depressing drugs an ENT specialist can
try to confirm the presence of acid reflux in the patient - or not allow
matter. This is not a solid diagnosis and possible
is open to misinterpretation and error - human reactions are so varied that they can make
life very difficult for doctors.

As we said at the beginning of acid reflux is not easy to Diagnosis, but at least now you
more familiar with the methods which can be used to find this very elusive

Jill Seimer shares living healthly at RefluxLife.com on natural solutions. Recently she wrote on the topic natural healing for acid reflux from her experience on acid reflux disorder symptoms.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jill_Seimer


The Truth Behind Heartburn Myths  

Heartburn is a disease manifests itself in an unpleasant feeling in the chest. This happens when acid goes back up in one person's esophagus. Heartburn is often associated with gastroesophageal reflux disease. There are a number of medical studies to identify the causes and possible treatments for heartburn, but there is still no single solution for this disease. As such, there has been a series of myths and errors behind this condition.

Most people believed that especially food and beverages can cause heartburn. This is not the case. Heartburn is to biological dysfunction. Of course, with a good diet is always a good thing, but do not expect that heartburn is Gone in a kid's game, if your lifestyle change or the food that you eat.

Excess acid is the main cause of heartburn. This statement is somehow wrong. Studies show that people with heartburn have normal counts of acid in her stomach. Heartburn actually happens when acid has been in the wrong direction, as is the esophagus instead of the stomach.

It is well known that heartburn caused damage in the esophagus. Actually, heartburn caused by acid reflux may also increase the risk of asthma and chronic cough. It could also lead to neck pain and discomfort in the neck and vocal cords.

Heartburn not by stress. Many people blame stress for each disease. While there may be some amount of truth comes, it is rare that stress is the main cause of heartburn. But it is recommended not to go through a lot of physical stress can cause ulcers, which in turn lead to heartburn.

Most people sit up during sleep to prevent heartburn attacks in the night. There is no need, since medical experts suggest that a sleeping bag on the left side is the recommended position in the sleeping bag. This allows the acid to be much faster in your gullet. You can also sleep in a slightly high pillow, allows the acid to remain in your stomach rather than back into the esophagus, which would thus lead to heartburn.

There is a solution to heartburn. If you drop by your doctor for advice, he would be medication. It is also over-the-counter medications that you can purchase to alleviate the symptoms of heartburn. Drugs in conjunction with the right diet and lifestyle clean would certainly help in dealing with heartburn.

Jason Rickard is the owner of Your Favourite Shop - Offering Self Help CDs - Visit Health Resources for more articles.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jason_Rickard


Frequent Heartburn  

Heartburn and heart disease are not, but many of the symptoms of heartburn are similar to those during a heart attack. Severe or frequent heartburn that does not respond to over-the-counter heartburn medication is a cause for concern for many reasons.

Chest pain is one of the main symptoms of a heart attack. Heartburn pain in the chest is usually caused by a burning sensation. Most people have occasional heartburn. Frequent heartburn is defined by most practitioners such as heartburn, which experienced several times a week. If your heartburn seems worse than usual or if you feel pain in the chest, you describe how pressing or crushing, the doctor consult immediately.

Other symptoms of heart attack, not normally associated with frequent heartburn, shortness of breath, nausea , Vomiting and sweating. If you have these symptoms, you should once again seek medical attention immediately. Chronic or frequent heartburn that does not respond to over-the-counter heartburn medication should be evaluated by your doctor. Although there is no connection between frequent heartburn and heart disease, chronic or frequent heartburn is a symptom of a serious condition and frequent heartburn, which untreated can lead to more serious conditions that the esophagus.

Even if it is, heartburn, it has nothing to do with your heart. Heartburn pain in the chest occurs when stomach acid, normally in the stomach by the muscles in the esophagus flows back into the esophagus. You may feel the burning sensation in your stomach, the center of the chest or the back of your throat. Most over-the-counter heartburn medicines are used for the occasional heartburn and should alleviate pain in the chest and the burning sensation. Frequent heartburn can be associated with the food you eat, drink the beverage you or your lifestyle. Stress, obesity and overeating can lead to frequent heartburn.

Heartburn pain in the chest is often accompanied by indigestion or gas-and over-the-counter heartburn medicines are designed to relieve discomfort associated with flatulence or gas, as well as digestive disorders and heartburn. Most prescription heartburn drugs are designed to prevent frequent heartburn heartburn and chest pain. You are on a daily basis for a month or longer, depending on the individual. Some over-the-counter heartburn medicines can be used to prevent heartburn pain in the chest, that you know is a particularly spicy meal or before eating some other food that you know where you problems. Over The Counter heartburn medications have some side effects, but should be used only as directed and are for occasional use. If you frequent heartburn, an over-the-counter product may not be enough. Prescription heartburn medication, which are designed for use by people with frequent heartburn, have many side effects, since most drugs do, and should not be used by persons with certain other medical conditions. Your doctor, your pharmacist and the leaflet will all help you decide whether a prescription heartburn medicine is right for you, and if so, what. There are several.

Heartburn chest pain is not related to heart disease, but there are certain drugs, the heart may lead to an increased risk of heartburn problems. Remember, advise your doctor about all drugs you are taking. Frequent heartburn should not ignored.

For more information about heartburn and other common digestive complaints, visit www.digestive-disorders-guide.com.

Patsy Hamilton writes informational articles for the Digestive Disorders Guide. Visit us at http://www.digestive-disorders-guide.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Patsy_Hamilton


Can Papaya Remedy Heartburn?  

Once you understand the causes of heartburn, you can begin to resolve heartburn. You will discover that there are many natural food remedies you can try. Your choice of natural food medicine, whether it is a fruit or cabbage, depends on your preferences, your health, and how well does the substance for the treatment of your symptoms.

While there are many food cure for heartburn, a fruit-in particular, have been seen to be effective is papaya. Papaya fruit comes from the tropical tree Carica papaya. It was orally and topically for many years to treat a wide variety of health ailments such as fungal infections, skin sores, cholesterol, and dental pain. But despite its anti-inflammatory action, papaya is widely recognized for the benefits it offers the gastrointestinal (GI) tract.

Papaya promotes digestion, facilitates digestive disorders and constipation, can remove parasites from the intestine and correct heartburn.

How exactly does relieve heartburn papaya ? The answer is papain. Papain is a digestive enzyme that is within papaya. Papain aid digestion and calms the stomach. It dissolves protein and fats and carbohydrates reduced, promoting a healthy enzyme acid environment. Papain is also known as vegetable pepsin occasionally, because papain is very similar to pepsin, is created by the stomach to digest food.

How you can papaya to heartburn? Here are some examples of how you can use papaya reach heartburn relief:

- Eat ripe, raw fresh papaya fruit with your meal

- Eat ripe, raw fresh papaya for dessert

- Add Papaya salad to your

- drinking papaya juice

- Make papaya part of a marinade

- Eat ripe, raw fresh papaya fruit with honey to treat an attack of heartburn. You can also eat these saen snack before meals and between meals as heartburn prevention.

- Eat dried papaya after meals (Note: dried papaya should only be eaten in moderation, because the concentrated sugar in dried papaya cancel, the heartburn relief provides the enzyme papain)

-- Take tablets or papaya seed papaya extract to correct heartburn symptoms. You can also use these products before you eat your meals, to prevent heartburn from occurring.

Where papaya can I get? You can papaya fruit in your local fruit market. You can find papaya tablets and papaya extract seeds in the fields of health stores.

What are the side effects of papaya? Eating raw, unripe papaya fruit may have a negative impact on the mouth, esophagus, stomach or intestine caused by inflammation, irritation, pain or sores occur in these areas. Therefore, papaya should only be included if it ripe.

How can say when a ripe papaya? A ripe papaya fruit has a creamy yellow appearance on the outside. The meat of the fruit is a deep orange-yellow and has many shiny black seeds bunched together at their centre. Ripe fruit papaya tastes juicy and sweet.

You should also be aware that papaya may not be the best solution suffer from heartburn to have an ulcer, as existing sores often no longer inflamed.

Who should avoid papaya? Papain to a decline in the ability to blood clot and could interact with anti-clotting drugs such as anticoagulants, and antiplatelets. Aspirin can also slow blood clotting, such as the following herbs: danshen, ginger (ebermaigen volumes), Devil's claw, red clover, saw Palme, horse chestnut, garlic, and eleuthero. Sun, papaya should not evidenced in any of the above medications or herbs.

Individuals, are allergic to latex should not be used as papaya fruit contains substance.

If you are pregnant, please consult your health professional before using papaya as a natural heartburn remedy.

Finally, make sure to consult your health care provider before the election to correct heartburn with papaya.

Grab your free copy of Kathryn Whittaker's brand new Acid Reflux & GERD Newsletter - Overflowing with easy to implement methods to help you discover more about your remedy heartburn options and for information on the various kinds of acid reflux help please visit Stop Acid Reflux Now.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kathryn_Whittaker


How Do I Get Rid Of Heartburn? And Other Frequently Asked Questions  

How can I heartburn?

The answer may not be as easy as it had hoped. Heartburn can be done by many factors such as diet and lifestyle. Frequent or prolonged heartburn is cause for concern and your symptoms should be assessed by a physician or healthcare professional your choice.

How can I quickly heartburn?

An antacids or over-the-counter product in the normally works quickly to relieve the burning sensation. Herbal remedies such as fennel oil and other drops can also work quickly. Home remedies such as chewing on a piece of chilled rhubarb or eating a bite of ice works for some people. If you have heartburn longer that does not respond to over the counter remedies, you may need a prescription of drugs to prevent heartburn.

How can I heartburn after a big meal?

Overeating often leads to heartburn. An over-the-counter home or remedy should work, but there are certain things to avoid. When filled, you may feel sleepy, but are only symptoms worse. Instead, take a leisurely stroll, but avoid strenuous exercise. Running, bending and stooping will worsen the symptoms. Marathon runners and some other athletes often suffer from frequent or prolonged heartburn.

How can I heartburn after eating spicy food?

No matter what you ate, each product should the exemption from occasional heartburn, but not all products as an opportunity for all. If you know that spicy foods cause you problems, you can plan to avoid or you can take a product designed to prevent heartburn, before you eat. Some over-the-counter products such as Zantac can be taken half an hour before a meal to prevent the symptoms of heartburn. People who suffer from frequent or prolonged heartburn are usually advised to avoid spicy food and other food and way of life changes.

How do I get rid of heartburn, by the stress?

The short answer is "relax". Sit in a comfortable position. Loosen your clothes. Concentrate on your posture. Exhalation, empty your lungs completely. Inhaler for a four-count hold for a four-count and then exhale for a four count. Try to focus on individual muscles in the body, are tense and relax them by first flexing muscles for ten seconds and then the release for twenty seconds. Even counting from the moment can help you to relax. Stress often leads to frequent or prolonged heartburn. Fast paced way of life can cause stress. Try to slow down for a few minutes before you eat, and sit quietly for a few minutes after you eat. Slowly eat and chew well. Aiming to prevent heartburn extended by reducing the stress around meals should reduce your need for antacids or other over-the-counter heartburn medicines.

For answers to other questions about heartburn, visit www.digestive-disorders-guide.com.

Patsy Hamilton writes informational articles for the Digestive Disorders Guide. Visit us at http://www.digestive-disorders-guide.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Patsy_Hamilton