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Heartburn or pyrosis is a painful or burning sensation in the esophagus, just below the breastbone caused by regurgitation of gastric acid. The pain often rises in the chest and may radiate to the neck, throat, or angle of the jaw. Heartburn is also identified as one of the causes of chronic cough, and may even mimic asthma. Despite its name, heartburn actually has nothing to do with the heart. It is so called because of a burning sensation of the breastbone where the heart is located although some heart problems do have a similar sensation to heartburn. Compounding the confusion is the fact that hydrochloric acid from the stomach comes back up the esophagus because of a problem with the cardiac sphincter, a valve which misleadingly contains the word "cardiac" (an adjective referring to the heart) in its name.

Natural Remedy For Heartburn - Decoding The Symptoms  

Before beginning any treatment for a health complaint, you have to examine and analyze the symptoms. With heartburn, this is generally simple but you must be careful. There are many natural remedies for heartburn available, once you have positively identified the condition. So, if you feel an attack coming on, consider the following factors:

The first thing you have to remember is that heartburn is a symptom. It is the result of acid reflux - stomach contents backing in the actual esophagus.

The symptom known as heartburn is a sharp, burning sensation below the sternum and ribs. This is the area where the heart - hence the name. So heartburn is in many ways similar to the symptoms of heart failure trouble.

In heartburn, the pain usually occurs after meals. The feeling may rise significantly to the neck and lead to a bitter or sour taste. For a heart problem, the pain spreads to one or both arms, back, stomach, neck or jaw. It may be accompanied by a shortness and palpitations.

If you have any doubts about the cause of your pain in the chest, treat them as emergency and get in the hospital.

While for most of us, heartburn is a condition to us, and again after eating too much or eat the wrong things, for some, it is a chronic condition known as GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). One problem is that many sufferers do not know it. Eighty percent of the symptoms of heartburn sufferers in the night and many people are not fully woken up by the symptoms.

One way to know if you suffer from GERD at night is that you have a bitter, sour taste in the mouth in the morning. Other symptoms include fatigue during the day and a chronic cough, often wakes you up at night. Sore throat or hoarseness are also warning signs.

If you have any of these symptoms should see your doctor, as night-time heartburn carries special risk of cancer. Also extended acid reflux can cause a number of unpleasant complications such as painful swallowing, Laryngitis, bad breath and read your symptoms earache.

So good. Then act. There are many natural remedies available for heartburn, not only alleviate the symptoms, but also addressing the underlying causes of the disease leads to a permanent cure.


You don't have to suffer the pain of heartburn. Visit: http://hubpages.com/hub/Natural-Heartburn-Remedies

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lloyd_Morgan

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