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Heartburn or pyrosis is a painful or burning sensation in the esophagus, just below the breastbone caused by regurgitation of gastric acid. The pain often rises in the chest and may radiate to the neck, throat, or angle of the jaw. Heartburn is also identified as one of the causes of chronic cough, and may even mimic asthma. Despite its name, heartburn actually has nothing to do with the heart. It is so called because of a burning sensation of the breastbone where the heart is located although some heart problems do have a similar sensation to heartburn. Compounding the confusion is the fact that hydrochloric acid from the stomach comes back up the esophagus because of a problem with the cardiac sphincter, a valve which misleadingly contains the word "cardiac" (an adjective referring to the heart) in its name.

Know the Causes of Heartburn and How to Cure it  

When was the last time you had heartburn? Perhaps you have a problem with it right now and you wonder, what exactly has caused. The fact is that millions of people who suffer from heartburn and not many of them know what the causes and what to do it.

The fact is that there are many triggers that would cause heartburn, but what happens is always the same in each case. Heartburn is a regurgitation of stomach acid, and the resulting complaints and burning that you feel is that stomach acid in your gullet. The reason that it burns is that the stomach fluid, which is now in your throat was never meant to be there. The lining of the esophagus is not designed to make it so you live in the pain.

Some often the trigger for heartburn are things such as coffee, tobacco, chocolate and fried foods. Now the common causes of heartburn, but that does not allow for the fact that each of us are individuals, and it really is not any way that we could say for sure what it is that your causes heartburn. For example, when I used to eat peanuts would be me heartburn, but also other people can eat all the nuts they want, without negative side effects.

The best way to find out the causes of heartburn for you as an individual is to keep a very detailed Food diary. In this way, when the heartburn strikes, you can look back over your diary, to discover what it was that could have caused it to first place. Then through the use of natural methods to cure your heartburn, you can finally overcome the problems and begin to live again.


Stop suffering with heartburn. http://www.no-heartburn.info/

Natural Heartburn Relief - A Special Report available on our website.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tim_Shank

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